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中国高等教育存在的问题及解决方法 Problems of Chinas Higher Education and the Solutions 目前,我国高等教育在管理过程中普遍存在一些亟待解决的突出的问题。近年来,一向在人们心目中远离是非纷扰之地的圣洁的象牙塔--高校也频频被学生推上行政诉讼的被告席。高校被学生起诉,一方面反映了我们正处在一个走向权利的时代,人们的权利意识得到了普遍的提高,越来越多的人,包括莘莘学子们都在认真地对待权利并为权利而斗争,另一方面也反映了目前我国高等教育在管理过程存在的问题确实十分严重。 Currently, Chinas higher education in the management process prevalent some problems to solve an outstanding problem. In recent years, has been away from the eyes of people in non dispute to the sanctity of the ivory tower -- College students also frequently onto the administrative proceedings the dock. College students have been indicted, on the one hand, reflects, we are in a to the right of times. awareness of rights to be universal, and increasing numbers of people, including students who are seriously treat the right and the struggle for the rights, other hand, it also reflects the current higher education in the management process is really a very serious problem. 一、目前高等教育管理中存在的突出问题主要表现在以下四个方面: 1, The higher education management in the major outstanding issues in the following four aspects : 1、招生方面 受教育权与平等权是我国宪法所明文确认的我国公民所享有的基本权利。但由于历史的及其它的种种原因,这两项基本权利在我国高等教育招生中往往并未得到完整的贯彻。 1, Enrollment The right to education and equal rights is explicitly recognized by the Constitution of our citizens enjoy basic rights. However, because of historical and other reasons, These fundamental rights of higher education enrollment in China is often not been carried out in its entirety. 2、对学生管理、尤其是在处分学生方面 2, Student management, particularly in the punishment of students 高校往往仅依据学校内部的一纸超越甚至违反我国现行法律规定的管理规定,就剥夺了受处分学生享有的受《宪法》保护的受教育权,这种处分的合宪性实在值得怀疑。 另外,高校在管理过程中往往还缺乏程序观念。 Universities often only on the basis of an internal school paper or even beyond our existing laws violate provisions of the regulations deprived students have been disciplined by the Constitution to protect the right to education, this action is the constitutionality is questionable. In addition, colleges and universities in the management process is ofte


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