Kid’s Box 3 Unit3 A day in the life Lesson 6 Lock and Key课件剑桥国际少儿英语.ppt

Kid’s Box 3 Unit3 A day in the life Lesson 6 Lock and Key课件剑桥国际少儿英语.ppt

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Kid’s Box 3 Unit3 A day in the life Lesson 6 Lock and Key Revision——Lock and Key in last episodes Who said it? Revision——Lock and Key in last episodes Who said it? Revision——Lock and Key in last episodes Who said it? Episode 4——picture description prediction What do you think of his job? What do you think he is going to do? Who do you think he is going to ask? What is it about? What is he called? What do we know about detectives’ work? When do they get up ? A reporter People who ask questions and do a survey Before you and me early Episode 4——picture description prediction Where is Mr. Key? What is he wearing? What is he going to do? When do you think he gets up every day? Does he get up earlier than us? When do detectives get up every day? Why do they get up even later than us? pajamas Loose clothes people wear when they sleep Episode 4——picture description prediction How do we know that detectives are very clever? Can you give us an example? Do other people know detectives follow them? Why? follow To go or come after ... Episode 4——picture description prediction What’s the matter with Mr.Key? Why? How? Do you think detectives are clever/quiet/work a lot? What do you think of detectives’ work? Listen Repeat Check Let’s watch the video! Let us act it out! Interview time! Think and write a list of questions you would ask Lock and Key Do you like you job? What’s inside your detective box? Who is the pet thief? What time do you usually have lunch? ... ... Homework 复习Unit3单词和句子,准备听写以及单元练习 2.完成活动用书P33 知识源自点滴 2023年 如遇课件中视频、音频无法正常播放,请在网站联系上传者索取完整版本。 如需与课件配套的教学设计、随堂练习,请与上传者联系索取。



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