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初识读后续写Contiuation Writing 2023年全国新高考Ⅰ卷读后续写 2023年全国新高考Ⅰ卷读后续写 原文材料350 词以内,要求续写的文章150-200 词左右续写两个自然段,每段开头语已经给出;所给原文阅读材料以富有情节的记叙文为主,话题贴近生活,内容为问题解决.读后续写的3个特点:123 Task1 Please order those picturesABCDEFE B F D A C? Task2 If you are asked to divide these pictures into 2 parts, what will you do with them?Note that one part is for reading and the other part is for writing in the continuation writing? How to divide these pictures into 2 parts??How to drink?Turning point 转折点Reading (part 1 from ___ to ___)aims to find the problemWriting (part 2 from ___ to ___)aims to solve the problem1346 深度解读语篇Read浅层信息获取: 5W1H深层文本解读理清情节和情感分析人物性格特点明确故事主题品味写作风格和语言Think结合所给两段首句原文呼应+正能量结局生动编写故事动作描写情感描写环境描写语言运用推测情节发展构思写作框架Write读后续写解题三步骤 A crow is not good-looking, but particularly clever and wise. One summer, the long drought dried up the source in the crows hometown.The thirsty crow wandered around looking for water. But he could not find water anywhere. The crow decided to move to a new place, where there must be a clear stream. The crow flew for a long time and did not see the river. He felt so exhausted and thirsty that he really wants to drink the water right away. Suddenly, the crow saw a bottle on the ground. There was some water in the bottle. At last theres water to drink! The crow flew happily to the bottle. The crow put his beak into the bottle, but the bottle mouth was too small, and the neck was long and narrow. Also the water in the bottle was too low for the crow to drink. The crow is in a hurry.StorywhenwherewhowhatOne summera clever crow next to a bottle of waterhowwhya clever crow wanted to drink the water in the bottle right away5W1H Beginning DevelopmentClimax (the main problem or conflict)Ending (a time to solve the problem/ how things end up)? Story MountainPlot 情节找到问题或情节发展高潮乌鸦所在的村庄没水了乌鸦口渴想喝水,四处寻水乌鸦发现水乌鸦想办法喝水 Emotional change 情感变化A crow is not good-looking, but particularly clever and wise. One summer, the long drought dried up the sourc



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