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Ex 1: I have a set of data and I want to make sure if the data is correct In this case, you are validating the data. Ex 2: if you have a math model which describes the movement of an object subject to a . In this case, you are verifying the model. Verification: proof of theory, assertion. ❑ Have a theory or assertion, ❑ Create a reference or truth, ❑ Run the theory on the reference, and ❑ Evaluate the theory the truth. Validation: assessing acceptable from a standard ❑ Have a thing or statement, ❑ Find a legitimate statement, ❑ Evaluate the thing the legitimate statement. Remark: If a research is about a new development of technology or device, there is always a need to verify or validate the new development. Technology : to help humans to make things better. Device: to help humans to realize things. Technology development: Procedure or process that changes the property of a thing or system Sun Q work: develop a sensor that can be assembled on a moving object or tool which is operated on another object and torque tube sensor 1. Sensing technology but no sor or Scope 2. Sensing technology and sensor device 3. Sensing is a basic pr iple behind sensor but a sensor has multiple functions 4. Each function at y has its pr iple (see my lecture on device and design), for instance, getting signal, converting signal, holding the sensor on the tube, etc. 5. Sensing pr iple: the pr iple for converting signal. 6. Gri is the pr iple for holding the sensor on the tube. New development of technology needs to be validated or verified or simply prove it to work ❑ Make a prototype to test it to see if it can achieve the requirement set up before the development ❑ Make a math model to simulate the behavior of new t


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