外研社八年级英语下册M10 Unit2-课件.pptVIP

外研社八年级英语下册M10 Unit2-课件.ppt

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Module 10 On the radio朝阳中学 吴梦婕 Unit 2 It seemed that they were seem [si:m]? v.看来;似乎listener ?[′l?sn?]? n. 听众 New words purpose [p?:p?s]? n.意图 article [ɑ:t?kl] n.文章 studio [stju:d???]? n.录制室 part-time [﹑pɑ:t‵tɑ?m] adj. 兼职的 in person 亲自;本人 Words and expressionseem [si:m]? v. 看来;似乎listener ?[′l?sn?]? n. 听众 in person 亲自;本人part-time [﹑pɑ:t‵tɑ?m] adj. 兼职的article [‘ɑ:t?kl] n. 文章studio [‘stju:d???]? n. 录制室purpose [p?:p?s]? n. 意图 根据句意及所给汉语提示完成句子。1. It ______(似乎) that they were angry with me.2. I am not good at singing, but I am a good ______(听众)。3. He wrote an _____(文章)about space.4. His _____(目的)is to play the computer games.5. Captain Jack took him around the ship ______(亲自).seemedlistenerarticlepurposein person Look at the photo and say what it shows.He is a presenter.He is in the studio.What is he ?Where is he? Read the passage silently and decide where you are likely to see the photo. In a book about the history of radio. In the life story of a famous radio presenter.c) In a room on how radio works.Tips(小贴士):Look through(浏览) the questions before reading. Then you can get the general idea of the passage. Read the story quickly and complete the timelinestart listening to his favorite programmes years oldask for part-time jobs in small radio stations years oldhis interest in radio grewwant a job in radio years old49older15Tips(小贴士):1.Look through(浏览) the questions before reading.2.Find the key words. The writer met ________________ in a radio station.The manager asked why he wanted a job _______.At the age of four, the writer __________ ________________________, listening to his favorite programmes.Complete the sentences.a radio managerin radio sat close to the radio in the living room At the age of nine, he asked for part-time jobs in _________________.As he grew older, he learnt about ____________.This was how the writer’s ___________________ began.


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