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车辆工程专业毕业设计论文:自动驾驶车辆的制动系统优化设计 Title: Optimization Design of Braking System for Autonomous Vehicles Abstract: With the rapid advancement of automotive technology, autonomous driving has become a hot research area. The safety and reliability of autonomous vehicles are of utmost importance. One critical aspect of vehicle safety is the braking system, which plays a crucial role in ensuring the vehicles stability and stopping distance. This paper focuses on the optimization design of the braking system for autonomous vehicles, aiming to enhance the overall performance and safety aspects of the system. Keywords: Autonomous vehicles, Braking system, Optimization design, Safety, Performance 1. Introduction Autonomous vehicles are equipped with various sensors and control systems to enable self-driving capabilities. However, ensuring the safety of autonomous vehicles in different driving scenarios is a complex challenge. The braking system plays a significant role in protecting the vehicle occupants and preventing collisions. This research aims to optimize the design of the braking system for autonomous vehicles by considering various factors such as braking force, response time, and stability. 2. Literature Review Previous studies have shown that the conventional braking systems used in traditional vehicles may not fully meet the requirements of autonomous vehicles. Some researchers have proposed the integration of electronic braking systems (EBS) with autonomous driving systems to improve braking performance. Others have focused on developing advanced algorithms for the brake-by-wire system to enhance the responsiveness and safety of autonomous vehicles. This research will analyze and summarize the relevant literature to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of braking system optimization for autonomous vehicles. 3. Methodology The optimization design of the braking system for autonomous vehicles will be performed using a systematic approach. The f




