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题 目 水位控制系统
指导教师 忽晓伟 职称 硕士
学生姓名 张忠山 学号 20071521258
专 业 电子信息工程 班级 电信2班
院 (系) 电子信息工程学院
完成时间 2011年4月23日
摘 要
关键词 单片机/超声波模块/自动监测/LCD液晶/自动控制
Water Level Control System
AT89C52 microcontroller system using cooling towers to achieve the level of automation, design a low cost and high practical value of the water tower water level controller. The system has the water level detection, low water high water level alarm and automatic functions such as adding water. The design process mainly uses the sensor technology, single chip technology, optical technology and the weak control the strong police power technology. Detection system using simple system for detection of copper needles, resulting in the low and high sensitivity. 52 SCM system control by using the circuit of signal processing and the use of optical coupling and weak control relays to achieve strong power to realize automatic control of water systems.
It can automatically detect the water level, light alarm, SheungShui, all the work withoutwater cycle, to ensure better surface height is always within the context of its structuresimple,low cost, high sensitivity, significant energy is used in various kindof ideal equipment for high-level liquid storage.
KEY WORDS SCM , Ultrasonic Module,Automatic monitoring,LCD,Circuit Control
目 录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
1绪论 1
1.1研究现状 1
1.2液位测量技术概况 1
1.2.1机械浮子类液位计 2
1.2.2电子类液位传感器 2
1.2.3热学式液位计 3
1.2.4.雷达液位传感器 3
1.2.5超声波液位传感器 3
1.2.6同位素/放射性液位传感器 3
1.2.7液压类液位计 4
1.2.8光学液位计 4
1.3国内外液位传感器的现状 5
1.4设计任务与计划 5
2总体方案的设计 7
2.1设计思路 7