powerpoint 演示文稿 - 网络信息系统.ppt

powerpoint 演示文稿 - 网络信息系统.ppt

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powerpoint 演示文稿 - 网络信息系统.ppt

网络信息系统 Web Information System 李春旺 licw@ 电话 李 宇 liy@ 电话课程安排 课程内容 第一章 WIS概论(1) 第二章 XML(2) 第三章 Web Services(2) 第四章 Semantics Web(1) 第五章 Web Mining(1) 第六章 Web Search (1) 第七章 Web Integration(1) 第八章 Web Mashup(1) 专题讨论(2) 考试 第一讲 概论 1.1 WIS概念 1.2 WIS研究活动 1.3 WIS类型 1.4 WIS体系结构 1.5 WIS设计方法 1.1 WIS概念 Web Information System 简称 WebIS WIS 1.1WIS概念 WIS是通过Web访问复杂数据并进行交互服务的信息系统 A WIS is an Information System providing facilities to access complex data and interactive services via the Web. Gnaho, C., Web-Based Information Systems Development - A User Centered Engineering Approach, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2016), 2001, pp. 105-118. ?? WIS是大规模信息系统的一个子类,这类系统支持分布在不同位置的大量随机用户通过自服务进行联机信息检索和执行例行任务。 WIS represent a sub-category of mass information systems that typically support on-line information retrieval and routine tasks by way of self-service for a large number (thousands or millions) of occasional users who are spread over many locations. Scharl, A., J. Gebauer, and C. Bauer, Matching Process Requirements with Information Technology to Assess the Efficiency of Web Information Systems, Information Technology and Management 2 (2), 2001, pp. 193-210. ? ? “Web Information System” or “WIS”是一种由计算机支持的信息系统,它使用了WWW技术,并且可由大量用户通过浏览器来访问。 I will use the term “Web Information System” or “WIS” and define it as a computer-supported information system, utilizing the technology of the WWW, and accessed by the majority of its users via a browser. Jesper Holck, M.Sc., Ph.D. Perspectives on Web Information Systems Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’03) 0-7695-1874-5/03 ? 2002 IEEE ? A WIS can be seen as a set of technical means for collecting, structuring, storing, managing and diffusing information as any traditional Information System does. The difference is that these actions are completed over a Web infrastructure. Consequently, WIS deal with a huge quantity of information, comin




