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SATII PHYSICS (FROM SPARKNOTES.COM) Orientation 1.0 Introduction to the SAT II 2.0 Introduction to SAT II Physics 3.0 Strategies for Taking SAT II Physics SAT II Physics Review 4.0 Vectors 5.0 Kinematics 6.0 Dynamics 7.0 Work, Energy, and Power 8.0 Special Problems in Mechanics 9.0 Linear Momentum 10.0 Rotational Motion 11.0 Circular Motion and Gravitation 12.0 Thermal Physics 13.0 Electric Forces, Fields, and Potential 14.0 DC Circuits 15.0 Magnetism 16.0 Electromagnetic Induction 17.0 Waves 18.0 Optics 19.0 Modern Physics 20.0 Physics Glossary Practice Tests 21.0 Practice Tests Are Your Best Friends Introduction to the SAT II The SAT II Subject Tests are created and administered by the College Board and the Educational Testing Service (ETS), the two organizations responsible for producing the dreaded SAT I (which most people call the SAT). The SAT II Subject Tests were created to act as complements to the SAT I. Whereas the SAT I tests your critical thinking skills by asking math and verbal questions, the SAT II Subject Tests examine your knowledge of a particular subject, such as Writing, U.S. History, Physics, or Biology. The SAT I takes three hours; the Subject Tests take only one hour. In our opinion, the SAT II Subject Tests are better tests than the SAT I because they cover a definitive topic rather than ambiguous critical thinking skills that are difficult to define. However, just because the SAT II Subject Tests do a better job of testing your knowledge of a useful subject doesn’t mean the tests are necessarily easier or demand less studying. A “better” test isn’t necessarily better for you in terms of how easy it will be. The Good Because SAT II Subject Tests cover specific topics such as Grammar, Chemistry, and Biology, you can study for them effectively. If you don’t know the structure of DNA, you can look it up and learn it. The SAT IIs are therefore straightforward tests: if you know your stuff, you’ll do fine. Often, the classes you’ve taken in sch



