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毕 数学课堂教学中应加强学生直觉思维的培养 In the process of Mathematics teaching,the teacher should strengthen the students Cultivation of intuitive thinking. 业 论 专业:08级数学与应用数学3班 姓名:王月 学科门类:教育类 指导老师:赵花丽 文 摘 要 直觉思维是人们在面临新的问题,新的事物和现象时,能迅速理解并作出判断的思维活动。直觉思维作为一种心理现象,不仅存在于日常生活之中,而且也贯穿于科学研究之中。在数学学习与教学过程中,直觉思维是至关重要的,它能使我们对偶然出现的现象提出猜想和假设,能使我们快速地发现问题的答案,能使我们在酝酿中顿悟。 传统观点认为数学是一门抽象的数字符号科学,它需要的是逻辑思维。毋庸置疑,逻辑思维对于数学的研究与学习是必不可少的,但是快速跳跃的直觉思维往往是创新思维的开始。灵感的瞬间迸发,刹那间的顿悟,直觉思维起着举足轻重的作用。本文从直觉思维的起源与定义出发,论述了直觉思维的特点,在数学学习与教学过程中所扮演的角色及其对数学研究的重要意义。传统教学活动中对直觉思维培养的匮乏使直觉思维在数学教学活动中如何培养成为关键问题。文章最后介绍了一些培养学生数学直觉思维的方法。数学直觉思维的培养要从中小学开始起步,鼓励学生大胆创新,大胆猜想,将成为数学教学乃至整个教育界的最终目标。 关键词:直觉思维;数学;创造性 Abstract Intuition thinking is:when people face new problems,difficult things and phenomenon,they can quickly understand and make a judgement.As a kind of psychology phenomenon,it not only exist in daily life,but also penetrate the scientific research work.In mathematics learning and teaching process,intuition thinking is the key.It can make us raise guess and hypothesis for some occasional phenomenon,can make us quickly find the answer to the question,can make us insightful in brewing. Traditional ideas think that mathematics is an abstract number symbols science,it needs logical thinking.No doubt logical thinking is indispensable for mathematical research and study,but quickly and jumping intuition thinking is always the beginning of creative thinking.The moment of inspiration hair collapse,and in an instant the enlightenment,intuition thinking plays a very important role.Begin with the origin of intuition thinking and definition,this paper discusses the characteristics of the intuition thinking,the role it plays in the process of learning and teaching,the significance for mathematics research.The lack of intuition thinking training in traditional teaching process makes the development become the


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