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郑州升达经贸管理学院 毕 业 论 文 题 目 猪八戒威客网的商业模式分析 院系名称:升达经贸管理学院市场营销系 专业班级:电子商务本科二班 学生姓名:朱震 学 号:2008047231 指导教师:李瑞 2012 年 2 月 28 日 猪八戒威客的商业模式分析 摘要 随着互联网的加速发展,各种创新型的应用和互联网的新概念也就随之产生。然而,怎样利用互联网进行知识管理却成为互联网界和知识管理学界的诸多学者高度关注的话题。威客模式,就是在这样的背景下诞生。它为大家提供一个相互帮助的平台,让大家公开自己的知识、经验、能力,使之转变为财富的一种网络商业模式。随着互联网支付手段的逐步完善,完全免费共享的时代已经成为过去式,开始进入的是知识价值化的时代。本文对威客猪八戒网的未来经营策略和发展规划进行浅析。首先介绍了威客猪八戒网站的发展背景;再者对其运营模式、资金管理模式和盈利模式进行分析;最后依据网站的发展现状对未来市场做了下预测。 关键词:威客猪八戒网、经营现状、发展规划 Witkey—Knowledge age Abstract With the accelerated development of the Internet , a variety of innovative applications and Internet new concept is produced . However, how to use the Internet for knowledge management has become the Internet community and knowledge management academic scholars attention topic. Witkey mode, is born under such background . It is to provide members with a piatform of mutual help , let everyone open their knowledge, experience and ability to make it into a wealth of network business models. With the gradual improvement of the means of payment on the Internet, completely free of charge sharing era is a thing of the past, begin entered the era of knowledge value. In this paper the Witkey pig net future business strategy and development planning of. First introduced the Witkey pig website development background; in addition to its operation mode, the mode of capital management and profit pattern to carry on the analysis; finally the sites on the basis of development of the future market for the next prediction. Key Words: Witkey、Operating situation、Development planning 目录 1 引言.............................................................1 2 威客起源及发展...................................................1 2.1 背景知识介绍——威客.......................................1 2.1.1 威客的诞生 ...................................


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