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湖北省武汉至麻城高速公路起于三里镇长提,止于夏家岗,于规划的武麻高速公路黄冈段对接。本设计选取第一合同段K1+600~K4+700段,全长3.1公里。根据施工图设计路线方案,全线采用双向四车道高速公路标准,设计速度100km/h,路基宽度26.0m,桥涵设计荷载为公路—1级,桥路同宽。主要设计内容包括:平面设计、纵断面设计、横断面设计、防护工程设计(重力式挡土墙)、路面设计(沥青混凝土柔性路面)及桥梁设计。 其中,平面设计、纵断面设计、横断面设计、防护工程设计采用手工计算、绘图;路面结构设计、路面厚度计算和面层拉应力验算采用公路路面结构设计系统HSP2000进行设计;桥梁工程采用桥梁结构分析软件BSAS进行设计。
[关键字]:高速公路 路线 路基 路面 挡土墙 桥梁
[Abstract]:The starting point of the express highway design from Wuhan city to Ma city ,Hubei province ,is Changti village, Sanli town ,and the superhighway ends in Xiajiagang village, which connects to Huanggang section of the highway. The section of the highway from K1+600 to K4+700 is selected to design, which is 3.1 kilometers long. According to the route project of construction documents design phase, the whole line adopts superhighway standard of two-way traffic and four lanes. The designed velocity of the highway is 100 km/h, and the roadbed width is 26.0 m, The designed load of the bridge adopts highway-Ⅰ-grade,and the width of the bridge is the same as the highway. The main contents of the project include the plain design, the vertical section design, the cross section design, the protection engineering design(the retaining wall of gravity ), the road surface design(Asphalt Concrete Pavement) and bridge design。 Among them, the calculation and painting of flat design, vertical section design, cross section design, the protection engineering design are designed by handicraft .The design of road surface structure ,the calculation of the thickness of the road surface and checking computations of the tensile stress adopt the design system of the highway road surface structure--- HSP2000.And the bridge engineering adopts bridge structure analysis software BSAS to design.
[Keywords]: expressway route roadbed road surface retaining wall bridge
目 录
1绪论 …………………………………………………………………………3
1.1工程概况 …………………………………………………………………3
1.2地质概况 …………………………………………………………………3
1.3 技术资料 ………………………………………………………………7
2路线设计 ………………………