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摘 要 任何一个国家的企业文化,都深深地印记着那个国家的传统文化。中国是一个拥有几千年历史的文明古国,有着光辉灿烂的古代文化。马克思主义高度重视文化在社会发展和人的发展中的历史地位,充分肯定文化对经济、政治的巨大能动作用。在全球化和知识经济时代,国际竞争、区域竞争、企业竞争归根到底是人的素质的竞争,提升文化竞争力是企业实现全面、协调、可持续发展的关键性环节。在当今世界经济全球化和科技飞速发展的年代,我国私营企业持续运行期限或生命周期受到最严峻的挑战,企业只有通过变革,不断调整和建立新经济条件下的企业文化,才能实现持续发展、做强做大的目标。 本文共分六章,第1章提出了本文要研究的问题、研究的目的以及研究的方法;第2章重点解析了企业文化的涵义、内容及国内外的发展;从第3章开始以美的集团公司为例,介绍了该企业的历史沿革和现状;第4章指出美的集团在企业文化建设方面的有代表性的独特理念及原因分析;第5章则提出了对美的集团的成功,是其注重自身文化建设的成功,是大型企业集团在快速发展中注重自身经营哲学的成功,从而总结出一些美的集团带给在市场经济条件下企业集团的启迪;第6章是本文的结束语。 关键词:企业文化;理念;创新;经验;启示 Abstract Any countrys corporate culture, print is burning all deeply that countrys tradition culture. China is a country with an ancient civilization owning several history in thousands , has bright ancient civilization. Marxism attaches great importance to culture in social development and human development in the historical status, fully affirmed the culture on the economic, political role of the great dynamic. At time of globalization and knowledge-based economy, international competition, regional competition, the competitiveness of enterprises in the final analysis are the quality of peoples competitiveness and enhance the competitiveness of the enterprise culture to achieve a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development a key aspect. In todays world of economic globalization and the rapid development of science and technology era, the private sector continued to run our country period or the life cycle of the most serious challenges, enterprises only through the change, and constantly adjust and set up under the new economic conditions of the Culture in order to achieve sustainable development and grow in size and strength of the target. There are six chapters in the passage. The main body of a book 1st chapter needs the problem studying , the purpose studying and the method studying having submitted the main body of a book; 2nd analytical chapter priority corporate culture import , content and development at home and abroad; The chapter has



