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摘 要循环流化床(CFB)燃烧技术是上个世纪70年代在国际上发展起来,80年代在锅炉上得到成功应用的一种清洁煤燃烧技术。由于具有高效,低污染且煤种适应性强这三大特点,自从70年代末第一台20t/h循环流化床锅炉问世以来,循环流化床燃烧技术得到了许多国家的重视,并与此同时得到了迅速的发展我国自上世纪八十年代采取引进和自我开发两条路线,完全掌握了中小型循环流化床锅炉设计制造技术本次设计根据给定的毕业设计任务书,参考相关资料,结合工程实际情况,在分析锅炉的基本构造、工作过程及基本特性的基础上,75t/h循环流化床蒸汽锅炉进行设计。锅炉主体采用最典型的型布置方式,炉膛出口布置布置两级过热器,交错布置两级省煤器和两级空气预热器。另外本设计进行了炉膛设计计算、锅炉各对流受热面的设计计算、气包与集箱的强度校核计算、烟风阻力计算。在热力计算中,利用相似原理,采用逐次逼近法,进行迭代计算,确定炉体及相关部件的尺寸。
锅炉效率为%,炉膛截面积为m2,炉膛容积为m3。从计算结果知,该锅炉设计合理,效率较高,可供工程实际设计参考,若能工程实施,将能带来较好的社会效益与经济效益。本毕业设计论文包括设计说明书一份、锅炉系统总图一张、锅炉水管系统图一张、锅筒图一张。关键Design of 75t/h circulating fluidized bed steam boiler for Xichang
The circulation fluid bed (CFB) burning technology is a kind of clean coal burning technology which starts from 70s,and achieve the application on the boiler successfully at 80s in the last century. Because its highly effective, the low pollution and strong compatible for many coal plants. It is at the end of the 70s when the first 20t/hcirculation fluid bed boiler has been published,the circulation fluid bed burning technology obtained many nationals’ values, and obtained the rapid development at the same time. Our country opens the beginning of developping the circulation fluid bed boiler technology from on century 80s, and simultaneously adopts the introduction and the self-development two political lines, we are already completely had grasped the design and manufacture technology for middle and small scale circulation fluid bed boiler at present.
According to the graduation design mission book that the tutor gave definitely, this design combines the operation experience of the project practice and consult the relevant design data, a 75t/hCFB steam boiler for Xichang is designed on the basis of consulting concerning references and analyzing basic structure ,working process and general features of the boiler. Typical M type boiler. The high temperature cyclone separator is distributed between the outer gate of the furnace and vertical flue; primary,
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