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2001.5 上海市英语中级口译资格证书第二阶段考试 A 卷 参考答案: Part A Passage 1 : 英特尔有限公司与中国电子工业部于上周达成协议,携手合作,共同提高中国电脑及 软件厂家的竞争力。// 英特尔公司在继续开发世界上最先进的综合集成电路技术的同时,将与中国公司合作 设计并且生产多媒体笔记本电脑。// 作为协议的一部分,电子工业部将鼓励中国电脑工业与英特尔公司全面合作。协议还 强调了合作精神以及技术进步和客户服务工作的提高。// 英特尔公司还将向中国提供生产含奔腾 型处理器的个人电脑所需要的技术指导和 标准,以保证产品的质量。 Passage 2 : 这里,我想探讨一下教师应具备哪些个人素质这个问题。许多人问过我这个问题。// 也许人们对此见仁见智,但在我看来,以下几点会为众人接受。// 一个理想的教师应该性情开朗,具有魅力,尽管他可能相貌平平,甚至丑陋。// 教师要有极大的耐心。我认为这要靠自我约束,自我训练,毕竟谁也不是天生好如此。 Part B Passage 1 : China has the largest market potential in the world, Every year, the newly increased program-controlled telephone switches in China exceed 20 million lines. That is No.1 in the world. // However, due to the problem of duplicate construction, a problem that has not been resolved for many years, on certain areas of products, there is the phenomenon of over supply. For instance, there are too many TCDs produced to be sold. // China is really a very big market. China s market is far from being saturated now. All foreign investors are warmly welcome to invest in China. Passage 2 : Today, Beijing citizens are more enthusiastic than ever in learning English, in order to support Beijing s bid to hold the 2008 Olympic Games.// According to Xinhua News Agency, Beij ing People s Broadcasting Station began in 1 December 2000 a program called “One Hundred English Sentences for Beijing Citizens”, so as to help more people to learn English.// Unlike the traditional English teaching and learning in schools, this program does not start from grammar or phonetics, but deals only with daily spoken English.// Beijing citizens enthusiasm in learning English has spread all over the city. Foreigners visiting Beijing will not feel surprised and more if they are greeted in English by local residents



