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近年来,越来越多的研究者和管理者开始关注人—组织的匹配 Person-Organization Fit, POF ,该模式认为匹配研究应强调员工与组织之间的整体匹配,一方面,员工要能够满足特定工作和岗位的需要;另一方面,个体内在特质与组织基本特征之间存在一致性 或互补性 。 人—组织匹配的概念 关于人—组织匹配的概念有代表性的有两种观点。一种是Muchinsky和Monahan提出的一致性匹配(Supplementary fit)和互补性匹配(complementary fit)。一致性匹配指人和组织具有相同或相似的特点;互补性匹配指个人和组织能互相满足对方的需要 Edwards提出另一种观点:需要—供给和需求—能力的观点。需要—供给的观点认为当组织满足了个人的需要、意愿和偏好时,人—组织匹配就实现了;需求—能力的观点认为若个体的能力能很好的满足组织的需要,即实现了人—组织匹配 Kristof(1996)在前人研究的基础上,针对人—组织匹配的复杂性,对一致性匹配和互补性匹配、需要—供给和需求—能力的观点进行了整合,提出了一个较为完整的人—组织匹配模型 将人—组织匹配定义为三种情况下员工与组织的相容性:(1)作为组织成员的个体和组织至少有一方能为另一方提供它所需要的资源;(2)个体与组织在某些特征上拥有相似特征;(3)以上两方面条件均具备。 INTRODUCTION Theories of person-environment interaction have been prevalent in the management literature for almost 100 years Kristof-Brown et al., 2005 . In words of Schneider 2001, p. 141 : “Of all the issues in psychology that have fascinated scholars and practitioners alike, none has been more pervasive than the ones concerning the fit of person and environment”. Person-organization PO fit, as the compatibility between people and entire organizations, is a type of person-environment interaction which is especially important for salespeople. There is evidence that perceptions of PO fit are important predictors of job-satisfaction, stress and intentions to leave the organization Lovelace and Rosen, 1996 . It has been suggested that the selling job puts the salesperson in a boundary role position that is 3 filled sometimes with uncertainty and interpersonal conflict; in addition to this, the salespeople’s performance is very visible what adds to their role stress Dubinsky et al., 1986 . Extra-role performance, which includes organizational citizenship behaviours OCB , refers to discretionary behaviours i.e. sportsmanship, civic virtue, and helping behaviour on the part of the salesperson that are not objectively related to his/her sales productivity Podsakoff et al., 1998 . Even though OCB are not part of individual’s assigned duties, they are still beneficial to the organizatio
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