
Unit 5 How are you教学设计.doc

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牛津小学英语Unit5 Plus and minus 英语 主备 王家宏 复备 新授课 教学内容 Part A 教学课时 第1课时 学习 目标 1、能听懂、会说数词15,13,19,20,18,16,14。重点掌握数词13,15和20的正确读音。 2、能熟练掌握 Whats …plus /minus…? 及其回答Its… 并能用Thats right./Sorry , you are wrong./ Oh, no.等作出评价。 重点1、能听懂、会说日常交际用语 What’s …plus /minus…? It’s…               That’s right/Sorry , you are wrong. 难点 1What’s …plus /minus…? It’s… That’s right/Sorry , you are wrong. 2、能正确理解运用plus ,minus 进行加减法的运算 教学准备 1、教具准备 课前准备 数字卡片,加减法的符号 “+ -”  2、磁带及录音机,教学挂图。 3、学生准备数学题目卡(20以内) 教学流程 教·学复备 【目标导学】 1. Free talk and lead-in ①Free talk: time ②Guess! What’s the number in my hand? (教师手里握着数词卡片,学生猜Is it …? 学生回答:That’s right../ Sorry. You’re wrong. Oh, no.(板书) ③Listen and write 请两学生板书 e.g. T:three five eight 设问:Look at these three numbers. How can we get eight? And how can we get three? 引出 几+几 几—几 进而引出教学内容 plus and minus ④理解教学目标 【自主学习】 自己试读A对话,结合图意理解句意 【合作互学】 一、数数:1-12 二、Presentation and practice 1、去超市,购物看标价 T: Good morning . S1: Good morning. T: What’s the time now? S1: It’s … T: Let’s go to the supermarket. S1: Great! But how? T: By bike.(和S1做骑车动作) (到黑板处营业员S2那问) I’d like two staplers. Look, how much are they? ( 黑板上出示价格表) S2: 8+8=16 yuan. (可以全部学生一起算)教学16 sixteen 请学生帮老师算一算要付多少钱 T: I’d like two hamburgers. How much? S: Twenty yuan . T: Here you are . S: Thank you. 板书: 10+10= ? T: I’d like two icecreams. How much? S: Fourteen yuan. T: Here you are . S: Thank you . 板书:7+7=14? 3、学习加法的运算 T: What’s nine plus nine? S: It’s eighteen. (把要学的数词融入其中) T: That’s right. What’s seven plus eight? S: It’s ten. T: That’s right. * plus 加 板书:What’s ____ plus _____ ? It’s ______. √ That’s right. 运用:(老师做营业员) T:Good morning . What do you want? S: I’d like two tapes. How much are they? T: (板书 9+9= 18 ) Eighteen yuan. S: Here you are . T: Thank you . Work in groups 4、学习减法的运算  (学生做营业员)  S: Good morning. T: Good morning. I’d like a pen and a ball pen. S: OK. T: How much ? S: 9+4=13 (thirteen yuan) T: Sorry . Here you are .Would you please give me a change(


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