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 案例实证研究机械类全日制工程硕士培养 的问题与对策 # ** 5 10 15 20 25 30  摘要:本文基于华南理工大学机械与汽车工程学院机械工程、车辆工程全日制工程硕士的实 际培养管理工作,对影响全日制工程硕士培养管理质量的招生、课程教学、专业实践、学位 论文等环节进行实证研究,指出问题,提出对策。提出了为优秀企业培养优秀的高等工程人 才这一核心目标,并建议与企业全程合作,依此确定优秀高等工程人才的知识、能力、素质 标准,构建精炼有效的课程教学、师资建设、专业实践基地建设和学位论文工作的全日制工 程硕士专业学位研究生教育质量保障体系。 关键词:教育管理学;研究生教育;全日制工程硕士;培养质量;问题与对策;案例实证研 究 中图分类号:G643 Case empirical research mechanical engineering of the training of the masters full-time problems and countermeasures WANG DANPING, OU RUIYUN (School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China 510640) Abstract: In this paper, based on the School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering,South China University of Technology mechanical engineering, vehicle engineering full-time project master of the actual training management work, affected the full-time project master training management quality of recruitment, the curriculum teaching, professional practice, degree thesis and other links for empirical research, points out problems, this paper puts forward countermeasures. Put forward the excellent enterprise for train excellent higher engineering talent the core target, and Suggestions and enterprise in the cooperation, in order to determine higher engineering talents of excellent knowledge, ability and quality standard and set up effective course teaching, refining teachers construction, professional practice base construction and dissertation of work full-time master degree of engineering graduate education quality guarantee system. Key words: Education management;Graduate students education; Full-time project master; Training quality; Problems and countermeasures; Case empirical research 35 0 引言 工程硕士(Master of Engineering)专业学位从培养方式上分为在职工程硕士和全日制工 程硕士两种,在职工程硕士通常有实际工作经验,而全日制工程硕士虽然其招生对象与工学 -1-  硕士相似,但由于培养目标不同,其培养方式、课程设计、论文标准和教学方式与普通工学 40 45 硕士均应有明显的差别。[1] [2] [3] 由于全日制工程硕士的培养是一个崭新的领域,以往的在职工程硕士或工学硕士的教育 质量评估标准和质量保障机制已经不能完全适用,所以,必须对全日制工程硕士培养管理的 现状、存在问题与对策进行实证研究,指出构建合适的全日制工程硕士培养质量评估标准和


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