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 白玉兰早春开花机制的初步研究# 5 10 15 20 25 30 35  摘要:某些较为原始的植物类群在开花繁殖过程中, 花部器官以自主生热的方式产生热量, 使花部器官的温度明显高于环境温度, 并保持在一定的较高温度范围之内, 从而促进花部生 殖发育顺利完成, 因而具有重要的生理意义和进化意义。本文以木兰科中的白玉兰为研究对 象,在白玉兰花芽期以及花期,利用红外线测温仪、红外线非接触式热成像仪连续跟踪测量 花各部位温度,并记录相应时间点的环境温度及天气情况。结果表明,白玉兰花芽期,花芽 内部保持较高温度,花朵绽放时生热效应出现在雌蕊期的两个阶段,且雌蕊生热现象最为明 显;花芽的保温和花期的生热效应二者共同作用,使其在配子体发育早期免受低温影响,保 护花芽内部生长发育的顺利进行,在木兰科的协同进化中共同行使着作用。 关键词:木兰科;开花;生热;协同进化 中图分类号:Q941+.2 Preliminary study of blooming mechanism in Magnolia denudata during early spring Zhao Xinyin1, Ruan Yongqiang1, Wang Jiaxi2, Zhang Zhixiang1, Wang Ruohan1 (1. Biological Sciences and Biotechnology Department, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083; 2. Forestry Department, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083) Abstract: Floral organ produces lots of heat autonomously during the florescence of some primordial plant taxa, which makes the temperature of floral organ higher than ambient temperature and keeps temperature of floral organ in a relatively high range. This promotes the accomplishment of reproductive development of flower, so this kind of heat producing has an important meaning in the term of physiology and evolution. Magnolia denudate were studied by utilizing infrared thermometer and infrared thermal image instrument to continuously measure temperatures of different sites of flower during florescence, recording ambient temperature and weather condition at the same tine. Results showed that bud temperature kept relatively high during bud period and thermogenesis occurred in two stages of female period during florescence. Thermogenesis of gynoecium was prominent. Heat preservation of bud and thermogenesis during florescence protect the early development of gametophytes from the influence of low temperature and keep bud to develop normally and play an important part in co-evolution of Magnoliaceae. Key words: Magnolia denudata;floral;heat production;co-evolution 0 引言 温度在植物生殖发育过程中起着至关重要的作用,其直接影响着植物生长中雌配子体和 40 雄配子体的生殖与发育 [1-3] ,适宜的温度能够保障生殖器官顺利的行使功能,从而促进雌


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