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摘 要 在当前的形势下,对于企业来说,企业之间的竞争开始突出地表现为人力资源质量与数量的竞争,通过人力资源的开发而建立企业的竞争优势已成为一种共识。而衡量企业价值的首要因素也不再是有形资产,以人力资源等为代表的无形资产正在取而代之。因此,现代企业急需建立起一套有效的人力资源管理系统。本文通过对国美上海大区电器销售有限公司人事部门的绩效考核进行了详细的描述以及分析,设计,初步实现了针对该企业的绩效考核信息系统,增加了针对销售员工的考核指标,简化了人事部门长期以来的重复繁琐工作流程,方便信息查询以及统计查看。并使用系统自动计算薪金,降低了工作中可能出错的概率,并且解决了可能会出现的信息外泄以及非法修改的问题。 本系统提供了员工基本信息管理、考勤管理、绩效管理以及薪金管理等功能。论文包括四个主要章节,将展开叙述系统需求分析,系统分析、系统设计和系统实施各 阶段的运作过程和具体内容。描述了开发过程中可行性分析、需求分析、功能模块设计、数据模型设计到系统具体的菜单设计、窗体设计、代码设计等。 关键词:人力资源,管理,管理信息系统,绩效 ABSTRACT Nowadays, the competition between enterprises appears to be the competition of the quantity and quantity of human resource. It has been a consensus to gain the competitive advantages of the enterprise through the development of human resource. Further more, Intangible assets with the HR resource as representative, taking the place of tangible assets, has become the most important factor to measure the value of an enterprise. Therefore, its in an urgent need to form an effective HR MIS for modern enterprises. Due to my intern experience in GOME shanghai. This paper described and analyzed the status quo of human resource department, initially realized the HRMS for that enterprise. This system simplified the long-lasting complex work flow of human resource department, made the search and statistics work of information in a convenient way, automatically calculated the payment, lowered the mistake rate in daily work, and resolved the substantial problem of the leakage of information and illegal modification. The paper includes four important parts: analysis for requirement, system analysis, system design, and system implement. It has described analysis for feasibility, analysis for requirement, design of function module, design of data model and including design of menu, form, code. KEY WORDS: Human Resource, Management, Management Information System, Performance. 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 前 言 1 第1章 系统开发的背景和意义 2 1.1 系统开发的背景 2 1.1.1 企业组织结结构 2 1.1.2 企业背景 2 1.1.3 企业存在的问题 2 1.2 系统开发的目的 2 1.3 系统开发


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