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摘 要 地理信息系统(GIS)作为采集、分析、处理空间数据的计算机信息系统,正在被广泛应用于电力行业中。本文作者深入学习了地理信息系统(GIS)技术,详细了解了地理信息系统在电力系统中的应用状况,分析了GIS在电力行业的应用现状、特点和存在的问题;在了解电力企业运行模式的基础上,针对电力系统的需求和特点,给出了基于GIS的电力系统管理信息系统的框架结构,并运用VB+OLE+MapInfo集成开发技术设计了一个小型的基于GIS的西北超高压输电线路管理信息系统。 本系统采用MapInfo作为后台的服务器来提供应用中的可视化数据和地图,Visual Basic作为前台的开发工具进行实际的编程,负责处理事件的响应和控制MapInfo,并对MapInfo的数据、地图、表格的处理与维护;数据库分为地图图层数据库和属性数据库,两者通过关键字进行联系 关键词:地理信息系统; MapInfo; 电力GIS; 超高压输电线路管理信息系统 ABSTRACT Geographic Information System (GIS) as the computer information system of collecting, analyzing and handling spatial data is being widely used in electric power industry. This article deeply studied the geographic information system (GIS) technology, learnt a lot about GIS in the power system status, an analysis of GIS applications in the power industry status, and also analyzed the GIS applications, characteristics and problems in the power industry status. As to the demands and the characteristics of electric power system after understanding the running mode of power enterprises, a framework was given based on GIS management information system, and designed a small-scale management information system based on GIS of the Northwest EHV transmission line, using the VB+OLE+MapInfo integrated develop technology. The system used MapInfo as a background application server to provide the visual data and map, Visual Basic as a front developing tool programmed practically, dealt with the incident response, controlled the MapInfo, processed and maintained the MapInfo data. The database is divided into map layer database and attributes database, and both of the databases link through keywords; the system have the function of visually inquiring, roaming and zooming, grid editing, grid attribute data access, grid position, spatial looking-up and statistics etc on the north-west 750KV power grid. Keywords:Geographic Information System;MapInfo;Power Geographic Information System ;EHV Transmission Lines Management Information System 目 录 1 绪 论 1 1.1 论文研究


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