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中国地质大学长城学院 本 科 毕 业 论 文 题目:中国快递业的现状及发展对策研究 系 别 经济系 专 业 国际经济与贸易 学生姓名 钱佳鑫 学 号 指导教师 王洁 职 称 讲师 2012 年 4 月 15 日 中国快递业的发展现状及对策研究 摘 要 随着欧债危机的不断蔓延与扩散,和金砖四国的崛起,中国作为全球经济的发动机,无疑起着至关重要的作用。在中国这个广阔的市场中,日益发展的快递业无疑成为全球竞相争夺的热门产业。而面对跨国快递企业尤其是四大国际快递巨头的各种技术资金优势,中国快递业的出路又在何方?本文首先依托行业竞争理论对我国快递业的基本现状做出陈述,阐述了不同体制的快递企业在中国地区各自采取的战略方针。其次,具体分析了国际四大快递巨头、中国邮政以及民营快递在其快递业发展道路上所面临的优势劣势,挑战与机遇,并结合最新数据进行实证分析。本文的最后为中央及地方,和不同地区不同部门提出联合协作的建议措施,使快递在全中国范围内得到服务,速度,行业规范的有效提升具有现实意义。 关键词:民营快递;行业竞争;中国邮政 ABSTRACT With the continuously spread of the European debt crisis, and the development of the BRIC, China, as the engine to global economy, undoubtedly play a vital role. In such a widened China market, developing express business has no doubt become the hot industry scrambled by international businessman. Facing with the capital and technique advantage of global express enterprise, especially the Four International Courier Giant, where is the way for Chinese courier? On the beginning of the thesis, basing on industry competitive theory, describe this industry in recent years, and try to explain how express enterprise having different system .use their unique stratagem in China express market. Next, elaborate the vantage and disadvantage、challenge and opportunity of the Four International Courier Giant、China Post and private express enterprise in their express growth path, linking with newest data to analysis. Finally, provides some practical policies for central and local government that self-governed department should cooperate in order to enable express more standard on service、speed、and norm aspects. Key words:; Industry Competitive; China Post; 目 录 1前言 1 2有关快递业的一般问题 1 2.1快递业的涵义 1 2.1.1快递业的基本概念 2 2.1.2快递业的分类 2 2.1.3快递业的特点 2 2.2行业竞争分析 2 2.2.1波特五力分析模型简介 3 2.2.2五力详解 3 2.2.3五力模型的假设基础 5 3快递业在中国的发展现状分析 5 3.1中国的民营快递 6 3.3快递业中竞争的来源分析 7 3.3.1新进入者的威胁


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