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电子与信息工程学院 本 科 毕 业 论 文 论文题目 高频开关电源并联均流的技术研究 学生姓名 XXX 学 号 所属院部 电子与信息工程学院 专 业 电气工程及其自动化 班 级 07电气2班 指导教师 XXXX 2011年5月 摘 要 电力控制系统是电力设备安全运行的保证。电力控制必须具备安全可靠的控制电源。随着变电站直流负载的增加,要求组建一个大容量的直流电源系统。 单台电源供电给系统的安全稳定运行带来了隐患。采用多个高频开关电源模块并联运行,来提供大功率输出是电源技术发展的方向。对于高频开关电源模块的冗余备份的关键就是模块之间电流平均分配。 本文详细讨论了均流的几种控制方法,得出民主均流法为电力系统中最实用的均流方式,UC3902芯片的问世,加速了民主均流技术的推广,并广泛应用于电力控制电源。 关 键 词:控制电源;高频开关电源;并联均流;民主均流 ABSTRACT Electric control system is the assurance of secure operation of power equipment. Electric control should have a secure and reliable controlling power. A large- capacity DC power system is requested along with a growing number of DC load in substations. A single power supply brings hidden danger to the safe and stable operation of a system. It is the direction of the development of the power technology to adopt several parallel-running high-frequency switching power supply module, which can provide high-power output. The key to redundant backup of high frequency switching power supply module is the average distribution of the current among the modules. Several controlling methods of distributing the current equally are particularly discussed in this article, which draws a conclusion that democratic method to distributing the current equally is the most practical way to realize the average distribution of the current. The appearance of UC3902 chip accelerates the spread of democratic technology to distributing the current equally democratic current evenness technology, and it is widely applied to electric control power. KEYWORDS: Controlling power supply; High-frequency switching power; Evenness of current in parallelling; Democratic evenness of current 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 选题的目的和研究重点 1 1.2 高频开关电源简介与分类 1 1.3 电力控制电源的发展 2 2 高频开关电源系统 3 2.1 高频开关电源系统构成 3 2.2 隔离型DC/DC变换器 4 2.2.1 推挽型变换器 4 2.2.2 全桥型变换器 4 2.3 PWM控制器模块 5 3 高频开关电源并联


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