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四川师范大学成都学院现代通信原理课程设计 基于单片机的数字温度计测控仪 学生姓名 陈 兵 学 号 2010101066 所 在 系 通信工程系 专业名称 通信工程 班 级 2010级通信1班 指导教师 孙 活 四川师范大学成都学院 二○一二年十一月 数字温度计测控仪的设计 学生:陈 兵 指导教师:孙活 内容摘要:随着单片机技术的迅速发展,单片机的应用正在不断地推广,由于它具有体积小,功能全,功耗低,价格便宜,性价比高,工作可靠方便等诸多优点而独具特色,所以在与微控制有关的系统中应用非常广泛。在日常生活及工业生产过程中,温度是生产过程和科学实验中普遍而且重要的物理量。温度测量是生活中和工程领域中经常要解决的问题。传统的测温元件有热电阻和热电偶。然而其测出的一般都是电压,进而转换成对应的温度,在这过程中需要较多的外部硬件支持,硬件电路和软件调试也相对复杂,而且制作成本也非常高。而数字温度计的设计是采用STC89C52单片机为主控制芯片和美国DALLAS半导体公司推出的智能温度传感器DS18B20为检测元件组成的温度控制系统。因为DS18B20可以直接读出温被测温度值,而且采用“一线总线”,减少了外部的硬件电路,具有易使用和高精度的特点。根据功能要求系统设计了相关的硬件电路和应用程序。硬件电路主要包括STC89C52单片机最小系统,测温电路、数码管显示电路等。程序主要包括主程序,读出温度子程序,温度转换命令子程序,计算温度子程序,数码管显示程序等。 关键词:温度 单片机 DS18B20 数字温度计 Digital thermometer measurement and control instrument design Abstract: With the rapid development of single-chip microcomputer technology, the application of single chip microcomputer, is continuously promotion, because it has small volume, the function is complete, low power consumption, low price and high performance/price ratio, reliable work is convenient wait for a lot of advantage and unique, so in and micro control the related system application is very wide. In our daily life and industrial production process, the temperature is the process of the production and scientific experiment widespread and important physical quantity. Temperature measurement is life and in the field of engineering often want to solve the problem. The traditional temperature measurement element have thermal resistance and the thermocouple. Yet its factors are generally voltage, and then converted to the corresponding temperature, in this process needs more external hardware support, hardware circuit and software debugging is relatively complex, and the production cost is also very high. And the design of the digital thermometer is used mainly STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer control chip and the United States DALLAS semiconductor company launch of the intelligent tempera


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