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埋刮板输送机 摘 要 刮板输送机是输送粉尘状、小颗粒及小块等散状物料的连续输送设备,可以水平、倾斜和垂直输送。MC即指垂直型输送机,由于输送时,刮板链条全被埋在物料之中,故称为MC埋刮板输送机;又因为埋刮板机槽宽是200mm所以称为MC20型刮板输送机。输送物料具有内擦力和侧压力等特性。垂直输送时,主要依赖物料所具有的起拱特性。封闭机槽内的物料在受到刮板链条在运动方向的推力,且受到下部不断的给料而阻止上物料下滑的阻力时,产生横向阻力时,产生横向侧压力,从而增加物料的内摩擦力,当物料之间的内摩擦力大于物料和侧壁间的外摩擦力及物料自重时,物料就随刮板链条在运动中有振动,有些物料的料拱会时而形成,因而使物料在输送过程中对于链条产生一种滞后现象,影响输送能力。埋刮板输送机主要由封闭断面的壳体(机槽)、刮板链条、驱动装置及张紧装置等部件组成。其设备结构简单、体积小、密封性能好、安装维修比较方便;能多点加料、多点卸料,工艺选型及布置较为灵活;在输送飞扬性、有毒、高温、易燃易爆的物料时,可改善工作条件,减少环境污染。埋刮板输送机目前已被广泛应用于化工、建材、冶金、电力、粮食、轻工和交通领域。MC型埋刮板输送机倾斜度较大或垂直的布置,倾角30。≤a≤90。。单台设备的输送高度不大于30m。En masse conveyor Abstract Scraper conveyor is conveying dust-like, small particles and small pieces of bulk material such as continuous delivery device, you can level, tilt and vertical transmission. MC refers vertical conveyor, the conveyor, the scraper chain among all buried in the material, it is known as MC conveyer; and because buried scraper width is 200mm so called MC20-type scraper Conveyor. Transportation of materials with internal friction force and lateral pressure and other characteristics. Vertical transportation, the main dependent characteristics of materials, with the bagging. Closed slot machines by the scraper chain material in the thrust in the direction of motion, and by the constant feeding and the lower block down on the resistance of the material, the resulting lateral resistance, the resulting pressure on the lateral side, thereby increasing friction within the material When the material is greater than the friction between the material and the outer wall of friction between the weight and materials, the material on the scraper chain with a vibration in the movement, some materials will sometimes feed arch form, which makes raw material in The course of transmission delay for the chain to produce a phenomenon of transmission capacity. En masse conveyor mainly by the closure of sections of the shell (slot machines), scraper chain, tensioning devices, drives and components. The device structure is simple, s


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