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摘 要 在现代这个社会,电梯已经成为了或不可缺的产品,电梯为人们爬楼梯提供了便利,电梯和人们的生活密不可分,电梯是电气和机械相结合的产品,电梯分为调速部分和逻辑控制部分,调速影响着电梯中乘客的舒适度,而逻辑控制部分对电梯的控制安全有着至关重要的作用,然而电梯多了,电梯坏的概率也就大了,这就需要电梯的维保人员维修和保养。电梯修理电梯就需要了解很多关于电梯的知识,电梯的电气方面的知识,硬件方面的知识,PLC设计电梯的程序也是很实用的,它结合专用的变频器可以构成电梯的系统,可以为电梯提供上下行以及开关门的程序。 本论文有4个章节,第一个章节写的是电梯技术的概况,第二章写的是控制系统与变频器,第三章写的是五层电梯的设计,最后一章写的是经济效益分析。最后还加了通力电梯的故障代码 关键词:电梯;保养;PLC Abstract In the modern society, the elevator has become an indispensable product, elevator for people to climb the stairs provides a convenient, elevator and peoples lives are inseparable, elevator electrical and mechanical combination products, the elevator is divided into control part and the part of logic control, speed affects the elevator passenger comfort, while the logic control of the elevator control security plays a very important role, however, elevator, elevator bad probability is high, which requires the maintenance personnel to repair and maintenance of elevator. Elevator repair Elevator needs to know a lot about the knowledge of elevator, elevator electrical knowledge, knowledge of hardware, PLC design elevator procedures are also very practical, it combines the special inverter can constitute elevator system, elevator can provide uplink and downlink and door closing procedure. This thesis consists of 4chapters, the first chapter is written in elevator technology, the second chapter is about control system and inverter, the third chapter is written in five layer elevator design, the last chapter is written by an economic benefit analysis. Finally, add KONE elevator fault code Key words: Elevator; maintenance; PLC 目 录 摘 要 1 Abstract 2 目 录 3 前言 4 第一章 电梯技术概况 5 1.1电梯技术前景展望 5 1.2电梯的种类及组成 5 1.3 电梯的主要参数 6 1.4电梯的保护装置 8 1.5 电梯电气控制系统的概述 8 1.6 电梯电气控制系统中的主要电器部件 9 第二章 控制系统与变频器 11 3.1 PLC控制系统设计 11 3.2 变频器的分类 12 3.3 变频器的选择 12 3.3.1 选择变频器的规格以及满足条件 13 3.3.2 VS-616G5变频器 14 3.3.3 VS-616G5变频器多级调速的PLC控制 15 3.4变频调速方案 16 3.5变频器容量及制动电阻参数的计算 17 第三章 PLC电气控制电路 17 4.1 PLC 5层电梯设计 17 (1)I/O分配表 17


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