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[摘 要] 智力竞赛是一种生动活泼的教育方式,而竞赛抢答器是答题竞赛游戏中经常要用到的电子设备,利用它可以公平的给予每一个答题者公平的答题机会和答题时间。数字抢答器由主体电路与扩展电路组成。优先编码电路、锁存器、译码电路将参赛队的输入信号在显示器上输出,用控制电路和主持人开关启动报警电路,以上两部分组成主体电路。通过定时电路和译码电路将秒脉冲产生的信号在显示器上输出实现计时功能,构成扩展电路。抢答器具有第一个抢答信号的鉴别和数据锁存、显示的功能。抢答开始后,若有选手按抢答按钮,则该选手指示灯亮,并在数码管上显示相应编号,扬声器发出音响提示。同时,电路应具备自锁功能,禁止其他选手再抢答,优先抢答选手的编号一直保持到主持人将系统清零为止。抢答器具有计分、显示功能。预置分数可由主持人设定,并显示在每名选手的计分牌上,选手答对加10分,答错扣10分。抢答器具有定时抢答的功能。一次抢答的时间由主持人设定,在主持人发出抢答指令后,定时器立即进行减计时,并在显示器上显示,同时扬声器发出短暂声响。
[关 键 词]抢答;鉴别;计分
Contest Design and Implementation of Responder
[Abstract] A quiz is a lively way of education, while Contest Responder is the answer to the contest the game often use electronic equipment, which allows you a fair answer given to each person a fair chance to answer and answer time. Digital Responder from the main circuit and expansion circuit. Priority encoder circuit, latch, decoder circuit teams input signal on the monitor output, with control circuitry and the host switch to start alarm circuit, the above two parts of the main circuit. Through timing circuit and decoding circuit will second pulse signals generated by the output display to achieve timing functions, constitute the expansion of the circuit.Responder with the first one to answer in the signal identification and data latches, display function. To answer in the start, if players press to answer in the button, then the player indicator light, and the corresponding number of digital tube display, speakers, audio prompts given. At the same time, the circuit should have self-locking function, and then answer in his place against the other players to give priority to answer in his players number has remained the host until the system is cleared. Responder has the points display. Pre-scores can be host settings, and displayed in each players scoreboard, the player correct answers plus 10 points, got the wrong answer deducted 10 points. Responder has a Timing Responder function. An answer in the time set by the host, the host to issue