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本科学生毕业设计(论文) 燃煤烟气中汞的氧化剂开发 摘 要 燃煤过程排放出的汞对生态环境具有巨大危害,必须对其进行有效控制。然而,煤燃烧过程排放的汞绝大部分为单质汞(Hg0),具有易挥发和不溶于水的特点,不易通过吸附或吸收手段脱除。目前,通常采取将单质汞氧化为高价态汞,再通过吸附或吸收手段进行脱除。因此,开展燃煤烟气中单质汞氧化剂的研究,具有重要的理论意义和实际价值。 论文采用Gibbs 自由能最小化方法,对烟气温度为50℃-450℃范围内的单质汞氧化条件进行了计算。计算结果表明,在论文涉及的计算条件下,单质汞的适宜氧化条件为高的氧气浓度、较低的温度、存在SO2等酸性氧化物等,适宜的氧化剂为NaBr。 以热力学计算为基础,采用浸渍方法对粉煤灰基脱汞吸附剂基体进行了改性,并进行了单质汞氧化性能实验研究。实验结果表明,由NaBr所制备的改性溶液,当其浓度为5%、浸渍时间为3min时,所得改性吸附剂的单质汞氧化能力最高,可达79.43%;在本实验条件下,该单质汞氧化剂的适宜使用条件为氧气浓度8%、温度80℃、SO2浓度0.7%。 关键词: 脱汞,烟气,改性吸附剂,卤族化合物 ABSTRACT Mercury pollution comes mainly from the burning fossil fuels. There is a great immediate and potential hazard on the ecological environment. The emission of mercury during the process of the coal combustion has a great harm to the ecological environment so that it must be effectively controlled. However, the majority of the mercury emission from coal combustion process is the zero-valent mercury (Hg0) . As the zero-valent mercury has a high volatility and do not dissolved in water features, the absorption and removal of the it would be more difficult. At present, the zero-valent mercury usually to be transformed into divalent mercury compounds which is more efficient absorption. Therefore, the research of the mercury oxidant in flue gas is very important. This articles have had the thermodynamic calculation in mercury oxidation conditions by Gibbs free energy minimization method to the flue gas temperature during 50℃-450℃. The results show that the calculations involved in the paper under the conditions of the zero-valent mercury oxidation in the appropriate conditions is the high oxygen concentration, the low temperature, the HYPERLINK app:ds:being, existenceexistence of acidic oxides such as SO2. The suitable oxidant of the zero-valent mercury is NaBr. The fly ash-based sorbent matrix was modified by dipping in the modified solution according to the thermodynamic calculations. The experimental results show that the the proceeds of modified adsorption for ox


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