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毕 业 设 计( 论 文 ) 题目 表面改性GH2135合金高温腐蚀性能研究 摘 要 热腐蚀在通常情况下为自由能降低的过程,而且是自发进行的,腐蚀过程中会导致一些金属损耗,使得材料各个方面的性能下降,最终导致材料的失效,从而造成巨大的经济损失。对于在高温条件下使用的材料,无论是在设计时的选择材料还是运行过程中的安全性,研究抗腐蚀的方法十分有必要的。 本文通过对表面改性后的GH2135合金在600℃、650℃和700℃三种温度下进行热腐蚀实验,研究其低温热腐蚀行为,通过电子显微镜、SEM进行表面观察分析,探讨了GH2135合金的低温热腐蚀机理。实验结果表明:GH2135合金添加了大量的Ni,Cr,Mo,B,Al,Ti等合金元素,组织形貌发生了明显的变化,包括γ奥氏体枝晶轴和枝晶间一些合金元素富集,并出现硼化物(M3B2相)与γ 相的共晶成分时;热处理后共晶组织量增加,并在合金晶界处形成M3B2及TiC二次粒子。合金的相结构变化相应的影响了低温热腐蚀机制;GH2135合金的腐蚀总重量变化动力学曲线基本符合抛物线规律,在腐蚀条件为650℃100h时合金表面膜出现少量剥落,腐蚀温度进一步升高,剥落现象变得严重。合金在热腐蚀过程出现贫铬现象,即在腐蚀过程Cr2O3形成挥发性物质,在合金表面形成铁等非保护性氧化膜。 关键词:表面改性;高温热腐蚀;GH2135 ABSTRACT The hot corrosion process was carried out in spontaneous mode with the decreasing of free energy in the usual situation. Moreover, the corrosion process could lead to the consumption some metal component, which caused the reducing of mechanical properties for the used material, and that finally led to the inactivation for the tested material and created the huge economic loss. It was important to investigate the corrosive properties in both the safe moved in the process and the choice in the design time for utilized materials which used under the high temperature conditions. The low temperature hot corrosion behavior was investigated under isothermal conditions included 600℃、650℃ and 700℃ for GH2135 alloy in this dissertation. The microstructure of GH2135 alloy before and after the low temperature hot corrosion behavior was analyzed by the optical microscope(OM), SEM and TEM. The mechanism of low temperature hot corrosion was discussed for the GH2135 alloy. The experimental results revealed that large amount of alloyed elements, such as Ni,Cr,Mo,B,Al,Ti, transferred the single phase structure (austenite phase) to multiphase structures (including austenite phase base phase and interdentic region solute phases) for GH2135, which made the mechanism of the low temperature hot corrosion behavior become complicated. The Cr2O3 protective film was prepared by chemical precipated. The corr



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