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毕 业 设 计(论 文)
题 目 滚轮注射模具的设计
姓 名 尚 晓 博
学 号 0841002533
所在学院 机械工程学院
专业班级 08模具(5)班
指导教师 周 细 枝
日 期 2011年06月
摘 要
随着社会的飞速发展 , 模具在生活中很常见,尤其是塑料模具,几乎是随处可见。塑料的种类主要分有热固性塑料和热塑性塑料,随着人们生活水平的不段提高,塑料模具对生活的影响越来越大,塑料轻量化,高强度,颜色多样化,易于成形加工等特性,可提升产品的表面外观,满足消费者对创意性及美感的需求,产品的饰技术因此成为了非常重要的课题,创新表面生产技术逐步深入 ,能更好的让模具美学化和模具智能化更好的相互结合发产,从质变上改变我们的生活,意味着塑料模具技术的应用将渗透到社区的每一个家庭,塑料模具技术的发展和应用对社区生活的影响越来越大,随着CAD/CAM,RRO/E和UG等到软件的应用,塑料模具技术的发展和应用逐渐得到社会各界的重视。
With the rapid development of society, the mold is common in life, especially the plastic mold, almost everywhere.The main categories of plastics are thermosetting plastics and thermoplastic sub-plastic, as people not of the standard of living improved, plastic mold growing impact on life, plastic light weight, high strength, color variety, easy molding processing characteristics, enhance the surface appearance of the product to meet consumer demand for innovative and aesthetic, decorative products, technology has therefore become a very important issue, innovative production technology, the gradual deepening of the surface, better aesthetics of the mold and die so that more intelligent made a good combination of production, from a qualitative change in our lives, means that the plastic mold technology will permeate every family in the community, plastic mold technology development and application of the increasing influence of community life, with the CAD / CAM, RRO / E and UG wait until the software application, plastic mold technology development and application of great importance to all sectors of society gradually.
Keywords: plastic mold, decorative techniques, aesthetics, intelligence, and mold design.
目 录
TOC \o 1-3 \u 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc244412076 \h I
Abstract PAGEREF _Toc244412077 \h II
第 1 章 引 言 PAGEREF _Toc244412078 \h 1
1.1 注射模具的发展概况 1
1.2 塑料模具发展的国内外现状
第 2 章 零