
焦炉煤气粗苯回收工艺设计 煤炭深加工毕业设计.doc

焦炉煤气粗苯回收工艺设计 煤炭深加工毕业设计.doc

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毕 业 设 计 [论 文] 题 目:焦炉煤气粗苯回收工艺设计 (煤气的处理量:40000 m3/h) 系 别: 化学与化学工程系 专 业: 煤炭深加工与利用 姓 名: 刘海洋 学 号: 111307128 指导教师: 池吉安 河南城建学院 2010 年 05 月 20 日 摘 要 用洗油吸收或活性炭吸附等物理方法从焦炉煤气中回收粗苯。其中洗油吸收粗苯法应用广泛。焦炉煤气中粗苯含量一般为2540g/m3,粗苯是有机化学工业的重要原料回收粗苯具有较高经济效益。 洗油吸收粗苯法是德国人卡罗(H.Caro)在1869 年发明的。第一次世界大战期间得到发展,已被各国普遍采用。洗油吸收粗苯工艺由洗油吸苯和富油脱苯工序组成。洗油吸苯是用洗油洗涤煤气吸收苯族烃,吸收了苯族烃的洗油称为富油。富油脱苯是用蒸汽蒸馏出溶解在富油中的苯族烃,因装置不同可以得到苯一种产品或轻苯和重苯两种产品,也可以得到轻苯、精重和溶剂油三种产品。富油脱苯后的洗油称为贫油,贫油送吸苯工序循环使用活性炭吸附粗笨法是德国人恩格尔哈特( Engel- hardt)在1916年开发的,1918年应用于城市煤气厂20年代后在英国、法国、荷兰和日本等国的一些小型煤气厂相继采用。与洗油吸收法相比,活性炭吸附法设备投资少,动力消耗低,粗苯回收率高;但在运行过程中活性炭微孔容易被煤气中的焦油雾、、树脂化合物和元素硫等杂质堵塞,使吸附能力下降。活性炭价格昂贵,50年代后工业上已很少采用。Abstract Wash oil with activated carbon adsorption or absorption of physical methods, such as coke oven gas from the crude benzene recovery. Wash oil which are widely used to absorb crude benzene Act. Crude benzene content in the coke oven gas is generally 25 ~ 40g / Bang, crude benzene is an important organic chemical industrial raw materials, crude benzene recovery with higher economic efficiency. Wash oil absorption of crude benzene is Carlo German (H. Caro) invented in 1869. Developed during the First World War, has been widely adopted countries. Crude benzol wash oil absorption process to wash the oil absorption by benzene and benzene-rich oil from the composition process. Wash oil absorption of benzene is washed with wash oil group hydrocarbon gas absorption of benzene, benzene absorbed hydrocarbon group known as the wash oil-rich oil. Benzene-rich oil from steam distillation is dissolved in the oil-rich family of benzene hydrocarbons, due to the different devices can be a product of light of benzene or benzene and re-light the two products of benzene, benzene can also be light, precise weight of benzene and naphthalene solvent oil three products. After the benzene-rich oil from the wash oil as deplet



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