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学 士 学 位 论 文 拉丝机监控系统设计 作者姓名: 导师姓名: 专业名称: 所在学院: 山 东 科 技 大 学 2010年6月 摘要 直进式拉丝机是在金属制品行业中得到广泛应用的机电一体化设备,是将大直径的金属丝经过模具的多道次拉拔变成小直径的金属丝。根据进线金属丝直径和出线金属丝直径的不同,可以将直进式拉丝机分为直进式粗拉和直进式中拉。本文涉及到直进式拉丝机的工艺算法原理及现实生产中的电气控制系统。 本文主要包括直进式拉丝机的卷筒同步运行原理,各卷筒转速比的计算方法,钢丝所需要的拉拔力、电机输出力矩、卷筒输出力矩的计算,对变频器调速原理、电控原理、参数设置进行了详细的说明。论文配有详细的硬件结构图和软件实现流程。 关键词: 直进式拉丝机、卷筒同步运行、变频调速 ABSTRACT Straight wire drawing machine is a kind of electromechanical devices which is widely used in the metal products industries .The big-diameter wire goes through the mould to be pulled out into small diameter metal wire. According to the difference between the size of into-wire diameter and outlet -wire diameter, the drawing machine can be classified as rough stretching machine and precise drawing machine. This paper involves the algorithm theory and the electric control body for the practical process It concludes the synchronous running principle of LZ-4/670 straight wire machine reels and the calculation method of rotation speed ratios among reels. The force for steel wire drawing ,the output torque of motor and the output torque of reels are calculated in detail. The speed regulation principle of frequency converter for the machine.,the electro control principle and the setting up of parameters are expounded . This article are fitted with the detailed hardware structure and the software’ flow chart . Key words: straight wire drawing machine, reel’s synchronous operation, speed regulation with frequency 目录 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 1绪论 1 1.1研究目的及意义 1 1.2国内外发展情况 2 1.3研究内容 5 2方案选择及PID控制原理 7 2.1基本工艺流程 7 2.2方案一 8 2.3方案二 9 2.4 恒定张力的PID控制原理 10 3 拉丝机参数的运算 12 3.1 拉丝机算法的原理 12 3.2各卷筒转速比的确定 12 3.3拉拔力矩的计算 14 4电控系统的硬件配置及连接 17 4.1 S7-200概述及结构、原理介绍 17 4.2 TD200概述及结构、原理介绍 22 4.3 M


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