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摘 要 矿井机械化已经高速发展的今天,如何做到花最少的钱选最合适的设备,是我们这些即将进入煤矿工作的人应该掌握的一门重要的基础能力,在设计中把基础知识和实用技术相结合,在“采掘机械”、“井下运输”、“通风排水”三个方面的选型合理,可以达到高产高效的目的。 本设计以兖州矿业集团兴隆庄煤矿为设计对象,结合该矿的煤层情况、煤质情况、煤层顶底板情况、水文地质情况和瓦斯情况等进行综合分析并加以计算。对井田开拓系统,主运输系统,主提升系统,通风排水系统和生产管理系统进行合理有效的选型。对采煤工作面的设备进行合理的设计,按照综采工作面设备配套要求,达到生产能力配套,性能配套,尺寸配套等等。通过严格的计算,进行正确的采掘机械、支护设备和刮板输送机的选型设计。根据整体情况,进一步进行正确的排水设备和通风设备的选型设计,运输设备方面对皮带运输机进行选型设计。在以安全第一的前提下,严格管理,从而实现真正的效益最大化。 关键词:矿井机械化;选型设计;设备配套;皮带运输;通风排水 ABSTRACT With the rapid development of mine mechanization, nowadays, selecting the most appropriate equipment at the lowest cost is a basic ability the people who are going to work in coal mines should have. Reasonable selection of facility in mining machinery, transportation ascension, ventilation and drainage on the basis of combining basic knowledge with practical technology will achieve the purpose of high yield and high efficiency. Taking Xinglongzhuang coal mine of Yanzhou mining group as its model, this design will make a comprehensive analysis on the mine’s coal bed, coal quality ,coal seem roof and floor, hydrogeology and gas. According to the data of the analysis , this design chooses reasonable field development systems , main transport system, auxiliary transport systems, power systems,and mine production management system. In according with the requirement of equipment for fully mechanized coal face, this paper makes a rational design for the facility of working face so as to reach the goal of production capacity matching , function matching and size matching. The author also make a correct design for the option of mining machinery , support equipment and scraper conveyor .Further, the author makes proper design for ventilation and drainage and determines to apply the selection of retractable belt conveyor and main shaft lifting equipment in transport ascension on the basis of whole condition. Giving priority to safety and managing the mine strictly, we will realize real benefit maximization. Key words: Mine Mechanization;



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