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摘 要 电热水器是家用电器中发生安全事故最多的产品之一,我国每年都会发生多起电热水器伤人事件,并因此而引起消费纠纷关键词:;风险;;Abstract Electric water heaters have been now into everyone’s family, but electric water heater ’s safety is one of the largest safety problem in China , more attacks from the electric water heater, and disputes have been everywhere. So the risk of electric water heaters on the analysis and study of liability insurance will help to resolve these disputes.Whether the consumer ,business or community will have positive significance. Electric water heater ’s structure, composition, working principle can be known well and safety measures based on probabilistic risk assessment methods used for the safety of the electric water heater be evaluated. Through the fault tree find out the top event and in the analysis of events we’d like’s to find out the electric water heater resulting in the risk factors of the accident. Fault Tree Recycling event tree of the initial events in the analysis of events and links to calculate the probability of top event. Through the probability of liability limits and deductibles and a combination of floating rate to develop the program, so electric water heater the formulation of appropriate product liability insurance program.  Keywords: Electric water heater; Risk Analysis; Fault Tree; Insurance program 目 录 1 引言 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究意义和目的 1 2 电热水器概况 2 2.1 电热水器事故频频 2 2.2 电热水器组成 3 2.3 安全措施 5 2.4 其他因素 11 3 事故树分析 13 3.1 故障树概述 13 3.2 事故分析 14 3.2.1 结构安全事故 14 3.2.2 温度安全事故 16 3.2.3 机械安全事故 16 3.3 事故树 17 4 电热水器保险方案设计 20 4.1 产品责任险 20 4.2 责任限额 21 4.3 免赔额 24 5 结论 26 参考文献 27 致 谢 28 引言 研究背景 研究意义和目的 电热水器事故频频 近日中国消费者协会有关负责人在接受记者采访时介绍说,电热水器是家用电器中发生安全事故最多的产品之一,我国每年都会发生多起电热水器伤人事件,并因此而引起消费纠纷。 由电热水器引发的安全事故一般都是非常恶性的。深圳消费者小王在一家大型商场选购了某品牌的电热水器,可是在安装后的第天,当小王使用该热水器洗澡时,便因热水器漏电当场致死。另外,去年在安徽、河北等地也都发生过电热水器漏电致人死亡的恶性事件。 电热水器作为一种大功率的家电产品,而且由于工作环境是容易导电的多水环境,所以安全要求特别高,对产品质量和安装的要求也因此较一般家电更为严格。在家电的购买和使用中,人们通常认为只要产品是合格的,就能保证使用安全,其实这种认识是片面的,尤其是对电热水器来说,在很多情况下,用合格的产品并不等于可以安全洗浴。在历次发生的电热水器伤人事件中,由合格的知名品牌引起的也不少。 近年来,长沙、


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