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摘 要 以常规能源为基础的能源结构随着资源的不断的消耗,将越来越不适应可持续能源的发展的需要。加速开发以太阳能为主体的可再生能源以成为人们的共识。太阳能作为一种作为一种清洁能源,倍受人们重视。精确跟踪太阳,对太阳能利用率的提高是显著的,市场上急需一种高精度,高稳定性的跟踪控制器。 跟踪太阳的方式主要有光电跟踪和视日运动轨迹跟踪。光电跟踪主要控制过程是:由光敏传感器采集太阳与光伏电池板之间水平与垂直方向的位置偏差信号与光强信号,并反馈给数据处理器与控制器,经过数据的处理与放大,发出驱动信号,经过驱动电路控制步进电机的转动,经过减速机构缓慢调整角度。视日运动轨迹跟踪将太阳位置受时间、季节、所在地区经维度等因素综合考虑。 本设计采用光时互补的跟踪方法,即是以视日运动轨迹跟踪为粗调,从时钟模块读出当前时间计算出太阳的空间位置,并根据经纬度进一步计算出太阳的方位角和高度角。由单片机发出驱动信号控制步进电机转动,到达指定位置。先大致定位太阳的位置。当转到既定位置之后再采用光电跟踪方式,精确定位。这样可以互相弥补不足。为完成本设计,本文对跟踪方式进行了深入的研究,并在此基础上主要采用CDS光敏电阻,STC12C5A单片机与步进电机完成跟踪器的设计。首先根据设计要求和指标,提出系统的设计方案并确定方案性原理上的可行性。根据要求和各个模块的功能,完成主要器件的选型。在硬件系统设计的基础上,使用汇编语言完成软件程序的程序编写。最后,论文还对整个课题设计进行总结,并对课题中存在的问题提出了改善措施和进一步完善本系统的建议。 主要工作包括以下内容: ()()()()As the consumption of natural resources based on conventional energy sources in energy structure, it will not become more and more able to meet the requirements for sustainable energy development. It becomes our common views to accelerate the exploitation of the solar energy which is the the main body of the renewable energy. As a kind of clean energy, the solar energy is becoming much appreciated. Therefore, tracking the sun precisely is significant to improve the utilization rate of solar energy and the market need a high-precision, high stability tracking controller. There are mainly two ways to track the sun , including tracking the sun by photosensitive sensor and tracking the sun’s trajectory. The process of tracking by sensor is mainly : the sensor receive the signals which are the position discrepancy between the sunlight and the solar panel,in other word ,that is the position of the horizontal and vertical direction deviation. And feedback to the data processor and controller, then process the data and amplify , output driving signal . At last ,through the rotation of the stepper motor controlled by driving circuit and reduction box , it just adjust the angle until the sunray is completely perpendicular to the solar panel. The sun trajectory tracking mode is made ,


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