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成都信息工程学院 学位论文 基于JSF的失物招领登记系统 论文作者姓名: 申请学位专业: 通信工程 申请学位类别: 工学学士 指导教师姓名(职称): 论文提交日期: 基于JSF的失物招领登记系统 摘 要 校内公告栏上时常会有各种寻物启示,但很少有人真正去问津,去了解和关心别人的心情,贴启示者更是在花费了印务费用之后,却达不到应有的效果。 为解决此问题,我们计划开发失物招领登记系统,为信息时代的学生提供了更多的便利。通过该应用系统,注册者可以登记自己的失物信息,并按时间顺序在主页上显示,任何人都可以看到一个集中的校内失物寻物信息及其联系人和联系方式,为在校学生提供了更廉价便捷的失/拾物方式。 以J2EE作为开发基础,使用了JSF等多种协议或技术,用MyEclipse作为开发工具,以Oracle公司的MySql作为数据库,开发实现了基于web技术的在线失物招领登记系统。系统实现了的以下主要功能模块,包括:管理员权限,管理和维护;用户注册、登录、注销,个人信息的查询、修改;物品管理,查看;广告添加,修改。经测试验证,该在线失物招领登记系统界面简单、操作方便,容易维护。 关键词:失物招领; j2EE; JSF; MySql The Lost and Found Registration System Based on JSF Abstract There are often few of lost objects on campus bulletin boards, but just a little of people actually interested in them, understand and care about other`s mood, paste the enlightenment is after spending printing costs, but fail to achieve the desired effect. In order to solve this problem, we plan to develop the lost property registration system, provide more convenience for the information age students. By the application, registration can register their lost information, and according to the time sequence on the home page display, anyone can see a centralized campus lost information and contacts, provide more cheap and convenient way in lost and found for students. Using J2EE as development basis, using JSF and other agreements and technology, using MyEclipse as a development tool, MySql as the database, developed to achieve online lost property registration system based on Web technology. The following main function modules, system include: administrator rights, management and maintenance; user registration, login, logout, query, modify personal information; lost and found information management, view; advertisement add, modify. The system has a simple interface, easy operation, and easy maintenance. Key words: Lost and Found; j2EE; JSF; MySql 目录 论文总页数: 31 页 1 引言 1 1.1 课题背景 1 1.2 课题目的和意义 1 1.3 课题研究方法 1 1.4 论文结构 1 2 系统应用的关键技术和工具 2 2.1 J2EE介绍 2 2.1.1 J2EE概述 2 2.1.2 J2EE优势 2 2.2 JSF技术介绍 3


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