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摘 要 当今经济全球化程度的不断加速发展,高科技中小企业问题也已成为世界性的重要课题,它的大量存在是一个不分地区和发展阶段的普遍存在现象,是经济发展的内在要求和必然结果。高科技中小型企业越来越占据重要地位,并日益成为一个国家综合国力水平的重要标志之一。随着我国加入WTO和社会主义市场经济体系的逐步建立和完善,高科技中小企业所面对的国内外竞争日趋激烈,面临的内外部环境更加复杂。在中国,“第三年”是高科技中小企业倒闭的高峰期,新开业的高科技中小企业经过1-3年的市场竞争,有近一半要倒闭。如何适应环境,解决企业各阶段的财务问题特别是在高科技中小企业管理者面前已成为一个现实而严峻的问题。 本文将从研究高科技中小企业各阶段的财务问题的基本理论入手,通过一个高科技中小企业来分析发展现状,各阶段的财务问题,通过各阶段的财务指标来解决财务问题。 关键词:高科技中小企业;成长阶段;财务问题Abstract Today economic globalization continues to accelerate the development of high-tech SMEs have become a worldwide and important issue, Its massive existence is a regardless of regional and development stages of widespread phenomenon, is the inherent requirements of economic development and the inevitable result . More and more high-tech small and medium enterprises occupy an important position, and a country's comprehensive national strength is increasingly becoming one of the important indicator. With China's accession to WTO and the socialist market economic system gradually established and improved, high-tech SMEs are facing increasingly fierce international competition, facing more complex internal and external environment. In China, the "third year" is the peak of the closure of high-tech SMEs, the new high-tech SMEs in the opening competition in the market after 1-3 years, nearly half to close down. How to adapt and solve the financial problems of each stage companies, especially high-tech SME managers in front of a real and serious problem. This paper will study the various stages of high-tech SMEs in the basic theories of financial problems, through a high-tech SMEs to analyze the development status of the various stages of financial problems, through the various stages of financial measures to solve the financial problems. Key Words:High-tech mes; Growth stage; Development present situation;Financial issues 目 录 一、引言 1 二、高科技中小企业的概念、特点和发展现状 1 (一)高科技中小企业的概念 1 (二)高科技中小企业的特点 2 (三)高科技中小企业的发展现状 4 三、高科技中小企业不同成长阶段财务问题 5 (一)初创期的财务问题 5 (二)成长期的财务问题 6 (三)成熟期的财务问题 7 (四)衰退期的财务问题 7


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