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ISSN 1000 - 3762 轴承  2 0 07年 2期                                   29 - 31 CN 4 1 - 1148 / TH B earing 2007 , No. 2  测量与仪器   铁路货车轮对轴颈轴承内圈松动故障检测 1 1 2 1 蔡海潮 , 李孟源 , 靳颜博 , 张小瑞 ( 1. 河南科技大学  机电工程学院, 河南  洛阳 47 1003; 2. 郑州铁路局  郑州北车辆段, 郑州  450053) 摘要 :采用声发射和振动加速度传感器对铁路货车轮对轴承内圈松动故障进行检测 ,并用小波包分析方法提取 故障信号的能量特征向量 ,通过对内圈不松动和松动两种情况下能量分布的比较 ,提取高频带内能量与总能量 之比作为特征参数 ,可有效诊断内圈松动故障 。 关键词 :滚动轴承 ; 内圈;故障诊断 ;配合 ;小波包分析 ;声发射 ;振动 中图分类号 : TH 133. 33; TG806. 3   文献标志码 : B    文章编号 : 1000 - 3762 (2007) 02 - 0029 - 03 D etection on L ooseness of Inner R ings for Fre ight Tra in Bear ings 1 1 2 1 CA I H ai - chao , L IM eng - yuan , J IN Yan - bo , ZHAN G X iao - ru i ( 1. H enan U n iversity of Science and Technology, Luoyang 47 1003, Ch ina; 2. Zhengzhou North D epot of Zhengzhou R ailway Bureau , Zhengzhou 450053, Ch ina) A b stract: Sen sors of A cou stic Em ission (A E) and vib ration acceleration are u sed to in sp ect the fau lt of loo sene ss for inner rings of freight train bearings, and the m ethod of wavelet p acket analytical is adop ted to w ithdraw characteristic vectors of the fau lt signals. Energy distribution of inner rings in the condition s of no loo seness and loo seness are com p ared, and the ratio between the energy in h igh frequency and total energy is taken a s a characteristic p aram eter. The fau lt of loo seness for the inner rings is diagno sed effectively. Key words: rolling bearing; inner ring; fau lt diagno se; m atch; wavelet p acket analysis; acou stic em ission; vibration   货车轮对轴承的状态监测一直是铁路部门安 置上模拟 3522




