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摘 要 大量农村青年初中毕业时,选择外出打工或进入职业学校,不再接受高中 教育,这是一种“教育死亡”现象。因为受教育程度较低,这些在高中入学阶 段“教育死亡”的农村学生大部分进入体力劳动力市场,收入微薄,成为社会 的底层群体。从农村学生到身份低微的体力劳动者,这其实是底层群体的再生 产。 在 L 县进行实地研究之后,我们发现了底层群体通过“教育死亡”实现再 生产的两种方式。第一种方式遵循布迪厄提出的文化资本的再生产逻辑,文化 资本不平等的世代累积造成了最终教育结果的不平等。城乡学生在文化资本上 就存在着初始的不平等,而不同的学校教育又加剧了这种不平等。在以学业考 试成绩为主要选拔手段的制度背景下,农村学生在高中入学阶段“教育死亡”。 第二种方式则是在中国特定的制度环境下,由于制度的可操作性,学业考 试选拔制度存在着变通,这就使拥有经济资本和社会资本的群体可以弥补他们 在文化资本上的弱势地位,并且使规则本身成为一种可利用的资源。缺乏资源 的底层群体在这个过程中无法发挥能动性,仍然“教育死亡”,实现自身的再生 产。 关键词:教育死亡;再生产;不平等;城乡二元结构Abstract After graduating from middle school, many rural youths choose to get a job or enter a vocational school, stop their steps of education. Its death of educationBecause they do not have a recognition of college, those rural youths are usually manual workers who earn little. Actually, rural students turning into manual workers is a reproduction procedure of underclassWe found two ways in which underclass reproduces itself after we carried out field studies in L Town. One way follows what Bourdieu called reproduction of cultural capital. Cultural capital is unequal, and inequality accumulated generation after generation. In the end, inequality of cultural capital caused different results of education. Urban and rural students are unequal in cultural capital, and then inequality is intensified by school. As a high score is the main criterion of higher school admission, many rural students are not qualified and have to engage in manual workThe other way happens only in China. In China, regulations are flexible.So people who own lots of economic and social capital could offset their disadvantages in cultural capital. Whats more, they could also makes uses of regulation itself. But underclass who are short of resources cannot do anything to change their destiny Keywords: Death of education; Reproduction; Inequality;Dual Urban-rural Structure目 录 第 1 章 导言. 1 1.1问题的提出1 1.2研究的意义3 1.2.1理论意义. 3 1.2.2现实意义. 4 1.3文章的框架5 第 2 章 文献回顾及分析框架 6 2.1文献回顾 6 2.1.1国外相关研究6 2.1.2国内


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