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中国经济改革基本经验与越南的相关实践 摘 要 在经济全球化发展迅猛的时代,当代世界掀起了经济调整与改革开放的潮 流。从中共的十一届三中全会到现在,中国的经济改革已经经历了30年的时间, 取得了卓越的成就,具有广泛的世界影响。自 1986 年 12 月,越共“六大”确 立了革新开放路线之后,越南革新成就日新月异,同样引起国际社会的瞩目。 中越两国有大体相似的国情与历史文化传统,都实行社会主义制度,也都采 取了渐进的改革模式,因此两国的改革无论从理论思维、改革内容,还是方式、 方法和具体政策上都有许多相似之处,因而在经济改革过程中也会遇到一些同样 问题。因而越中之间相互借鉴对方的改革经验和教训具有重要的现实意义。 基于上述认识,本文试图从理论和实践上对中越的经济改革进行深入的分 析、比较,系统地总结中国经济改革的基本成功经验及其在越南革新过程中的 相关实践,并对其两国经济改革经验运用所产生的效果进行辩证的考察、研究。 全文共分五个部分。 第一部分:就有关中越两国经济改革的一些主要理论观点进行比较和评述。 第二部分:回顾、概括两国经济改革发展的历程。 第三部分:总结中国实行经济改革以来的基本经验。 第四部分:探索中国经济改革基本经验为越南所借鉴并结合自身现实情况 的相关实践。 第五部分:对中越经济改革的成就、弊端进行系统地分析、考察。 关键词:越南;中国;经济改革;经验 1 中国经济改革基本经验与越南的相关实践 Abstract In the era of rapid development of economic globalization, the contemporary world has launched an trend of economic adjustment and reform and openning.From th the Third Plenary Session of the 11 Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party to the present, Chinas economic reform had already lasted for 30 year, with remarkable achievement and widespread world influence. Since the route of innovation and openning-up has been established in the sixth Congress of Vietnam Communist Party in December, 1986, the innovation achievement of Vietnam changes with each new day, similarly attracting the international societys attentionChina and Vietnam have broadly similar national conditions and historical and cultural traditions.Both of them practice the socialist system and adopt a gradual reform model.So the reforms of the two countries have many similarities not only in the theoretical thinking and the reform content, but also in the ways, methods and specific policies.Likewise,they would meet some similar questions in the process of their economic reforms. Therefore, the mutual learning of reform experiences and lessons between China and Vietnam have important practical significanceBased on the above recognition, this paper attempts making a thorough analysisi and comparison on China’s and Vietnam’s economic reform theoretically and pr


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