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摘 要 世界发展变化的脚步从不曾停歇。我国社会经济一直处于不断变革发展的 过程中,社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立和报业市场的日益细分,给众多经 济报纸提出了更专业化、更贴进经济内核的现代经济资讯传播要求。与此相适 应,国有企业报道作为经济类报纸最为重要的板块之一,在实践中逐步发展, 发生了许多微妙但实实在在的变化,实现了有别于传统报道模式的全面创新。 本文以经济类报纸的重新起步为时代背景,归纳旧有报道模式与现实需要 之间的矛盾所在,通过定性研究与定量研究相结合的方法,进行国有企业报道 各方面的比较分析,总结出四方面的创新特征,即:报道理念从政治本位向市 场本位转换;报道立场趋于冷静、客观和理性;报道视野向全面化和国际化扩 展;报道方式在借鉴与吸收中不断丰富。在此基础上,本文对国有企业报道创 新背后的诸多动因进行探讨,分别以报道客体(国有企业)、报道主体(经济类 报纸)和受众(报道的阅读者)为坐标,分析这三方面因素如何推动国有企业 报道的创新发展。 本文最后指出,创新是一个动态的、持续的过程,国有企业报道仍然具有 很大的创新空间。未来的创新方向,将是进一步完善报道的内容和形式,满足 广大受众的各种经济信息需求,更好地服务于国有企业发展,为我国的经济建 设做出更大的贡献。 关键词:创新;国有企业报道;经济类报纸 Abstract The world never stops changing or developing. The society and economy of our nation are in the process of transformation and development all the time. Socialist market economy system is being established gradually, and newspaper industry market is being subdivided day by day. That has brought about the demands of getting more specialized information, being closer to the core of contemporary economy. To adapt this situation, the state-owned enterprise reports, one of the most important parts of the economy newspapers, are developing in practice all the time. Many innovations have appeared subtly but indeed, showing some new traits , completely different from the traditional report pattern. Taking the restart of the economy newspapers as background, this thesis has induced the contradiction between old report pattern and actual needs. Following that, by the investigation of qualitative and quantitative methods, the thesis has compared and analyzed state-owned enterprise reports through several aspects, then summarized four characteristics of the innovations: the report concept transforms from


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