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摘 要 作为国民经济的支柱产业,房地产业的持续健康发展,是提高居民住房水 平,改善居住质量,满足人民群众物质生活需要的基本要求;是促进消费,扩 大内需,拉动投资增长,保持国民经济持续快速健康发展的有力措施。2005年 以来,我国房地产业进入了新一轮快速发展期,尤其2009年以来中国房地产行 业持续高速发展,房地产投资规模和房地产价格持续上涨,部分城市和地区房 地产市场出现一定的泡沫,房价区域性差距过大。 房地产价格是房地产市场行为的综合表现,受到诸多因素的影响,本文试 从基本公共服务供给水平的视角对中国部分城市房地产价格过快上涨和区域性 差距扩大的原因进行分析。首先,本文对公共服务、基本公共服务、基本服务 供给水平、基本公共服务均等化等概念进行界定;其次,通过理论分析与案例 分析相结合的方式,本文对基本服务供给水平与房地产价格的关系进行分析, 一般而言,基本公共服务供给水平越高房地产价格越高;再次,本文选取各省 市的基本公共服务综合绩效和住宅均价进行实证检验,还选取房地产价格过快 上涨的北京市五个城区的经验数据进行实证分析,结果表明房地产价格与基本 公共服务供给水平呈高度的正相关关系;最后,本文借鉴国外通过基本公共服 务均等化实现房价扁平化的经验,提出针对我国基本服务供给水平和房地产市 场的政策建议。 关键词:基本公共服务供给水平 基本公共服务均等化 房地产价格 Abstract As one of the pillar industries, the stability of real estate development is related to the people’s livelihoods. Since the year of 1998,the real estate industry has experienced a period of rapid development. Especially in recent years, the investment and the price of the real estate keep rising. As a whole, the real estate market of the country develops healthily and rapidly, and keeps the equilibrium of supply and demand. But in some districts, the price of real estate increase too fast. In order to keep the Chinese real estate market sustainable and healthy, it is essential to imply macro-control policies to regulate the real estate price. To make better macro-control decision, we must identify which factors have effects upon the price of real estate. In the theoretical Part ,it defines the equalization of basic public service; analyzes deeply the questions caused by the equalization o f basic public services, and agrees that what the equalization of basic public services reflects is a development idea of fairness and justice which is consistent with our socialist essence and the devel


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