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摘 要 在信息泛滥、注意力稀缺的生态环境下,各种传媒组织都要求赢得尽可能 多的受众的注意力,并逐步生长成对媒体的影响力。然而在媒体吸引受众注意 力的过程中,一些媒体为了扩大市场份额过分倚重 “眼球效应”、一味迎合受 众心理,采用商业化、同质化的发展思路,单纯地停留在低水平的、重复性的 过度竞争中,这样的经营方式无益于媒体的长远发展,将必定在激烈的媒介竞 争中失去其竞争力和影响力。 本文认为媒体要想实现“注意力”到“影响力”的转移,必须要遵循市场 规律,重视媒体自身本该具有的核心功能,再结合自身特点,采取差异化、多 元化发展策略,逐步打造起品牌栏目、特色频道,依靠不断创新培养媒体自身 的核心竞争力,通过有效传播保持和维护媒体的核心竞争力,这样才能培养忠 实受众群,保持长久关注度,进而带来社会效益和经济效益的增长。 【关 键 词】媒体影响力 核心竞争力 品牌 创新 有效传播 1 Abstract Under the circumstances of overwhelming information but with shortage of attentions, various media organizations compete for public attentions which in turn help boost their growth and increase their social recognition and influence. However , in order to attract wide attention and expand market shares , some media organizations too much tailor to the public interest. Their commercialized development path traps them into a low-level and repetitive over-competition, which is by no means beneficial to their long-term growth. On the contrary, over fierce competition will erode their competitive edge and influence. This paper argues that if a media organization wants to realize the shift from “attention” to “influence” , it must obey the market principles and pay more attention to its core functions and uniqueness. It should differentiate itself with a strategy of diversification and improve its core competitiveness by continuously building up its signature programs. Only in this way will it develop faithful audience group and thus bring social benefit and yield economic growth. Key words : Med



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