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要 改革开放后,萍乡的乡镇企业如雨后春笋般建立起来,其中有许多是生产工 业陶瓷的企业,萍乡市的工业陶瓷发展到现在,产业规模壮大,仅化工陶瓷产品 就有9 个系列,品种有1000 多个产品。电瓷产品则有40 多个系列、600 多个产品。 进入90 年代后期,企业进一 发展壮大,生产技术和工艺也有大的提高,新产品 新技术不断出现,其市场地位进一 稳固,化工填料陶瓷和电瓷系列产品都占有 国内市场较大份额,其中化工填料陶瓷占据了国内市场70% 的以上份额。 然而,在国内市场已经开放多年,国外竞争对手企业已悄然来到我们家门口 与我们的企业展开竞争时,萍乡市的工业陶瓷出口量却依然非常少。在这种情形 下,研究如何抓住机遇,积极地开展国际营销工作,利用国际市场扩大生产规模, 降低产品成本,扩大市场份额,获取最新的技术和管理知识;面向全球市场,实 现产业的升级和萍乡工业陶瓷企业的国际化经营;以及如何在国内市场和国际市 场与国外公司竞争,对于萍乡陶瓷工业和中国工业陶瓷业的进一 发展壮大,具 有非常重要的意义。 本文 世界工业陶瓷产业的现状和新技术发展趋势入手,通过定性和定量地 综合分析我国和萍乡市的工业陶瓷工业的生产现状、进出口情况,国内和国际市 场现状。运用国际市场营销知识,特别针对萍乡市的工业陶瓷工业出口现状进行 深入分析, 而设计出萍乡市工业陶瓷产品出口的策略。以期对萍乡工业陶瓷业 的进一 发展有所帮助。 关键词: 国际贸易 策略 国际市场营销 工业陶瓷 1 Abstract Since the adoption of reform and opening-up policy, many township enterprises came forth in Pingxiang. Among them, many were companies that were producing industrial ceramics. During the nineties of the last century, the manufacturing techniques and the equipments of Pingxiang industrial ceramics companies were updated greatly. The varieties of the industrial ceramics products have been enriched, and the quality of their products is improved since then. There are two large series of products now. One is the chemical ceramic products. It has 9 small series and more than 1000 products. The other is the electric ceramics. It has more than 40 small series and 600 kinds of products. Along this process, the market status of Pingxiang industrial ceramics industry is consolidated. The two series of chemical ceramics and electrical ceramics are enjoying a large share of the market as more than 60% and 70% of the domestic market respectively. After five years since the entry of WTO of China in 2001, the domestic market has been opened to the foreign companies entirely. The foreign competitors have come to


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