酒店员工入职培训-礼仪培训Hotel Etiquette.ppt

酒店员工入职培训-礼仪培训Hotel Etiquette.ppt

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传递/接收物品 Pass/Receive Items 将物品以正确的方向传递给 客人 Present the item with the right direction 印刷品 Printing Items 笔 Pen 刀 Knife 叉 Fork 其他注意事项 Other Important Points 说话声调(包括打电话时) Tone 吃食物时 (包括喝汤时) When eating 尽量勿在路上吃食物 Do not eat when walking on the road 等候电梯时 When waiting for the elevator 如果先进电梯(其他场合时) If coming into the elevator firstly 乘坐楼梯式电梯时 When taking the elevator 目标 Objectives 站姿 Standing 走姿 Walking 坐姿 Sitting 带领客人 Leading a Guest 使用电梯 Using the Elevator 传递/接收物品 Passing/Receiving Items 什么是礼仪 What is Etiquette? 礼仪是社会上或行业间所共识的正确及礼貌行为的规则。 -牛津字典 Formal rules of correct and polite behavior in society or among members of a profession. - Oxford Dictionary 礼仪 Etiquette 礼仪的重要性 Importance of Etiquette 内强素质 Personal quality enhanced 外塑形象 Good image 留下良好印象 Leaves an impression 从而提供更专业的服务 A more professional service 站姿 Standing 站姿 Standing 眼光平视,不要东张西望 Always position yourself so you are in direct view of Guests 肩膀放松舒展 Keep your Shoulders relaxed 挺胸收腹,膝盖要直 Stand upright, with your Knees straight 站姿 Standing 叠握两只手于身前或身后 Place one Hand on top of the other in front or behind your Body 不要交叉抱于胸前或放入 口袋 Do not cross your Arms in front of your Chest or leave your Hands inside your Pockets 站姿 Standing 双脚略分,可保留一定的 角度 Open your Feet slightly at an angle    男 Gentlemen:   女 Ladies: 10: 10 11: 05 Facial Expressions 时刻保持真诚的微笑 Always have a genuine smile 与客人保持眼神接触,主动寻找机会提供协助 Maintain constant eye contact with Guests, or look for opportunities to provide assistance wherever possible 面部表情 Facial Expression 走姿 Walking 走姿 Walking 两眼平视,保持微笑 Look ahead, with a smile 步履轻盈,步幅适中 Walk gently and take moderate Steps 双腿笔直,脚尖向前 Keep your Legs straight with the Feet pointing forward 走路时提起双脚 LIFT your Feet when walking 走路时不要拖着脚或擦着鞋底 Do not shuffle or scrape the soles of your Shoes while


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