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毕业论文 (20_ _届) 义乌制袜企业员工高流动率的成因及对策分析 摘 要 员工流动是企业管理中的一个普遍现象,适当的员工离职率对于企业发展和保持活力是有益的,但是过于频繁的离职可能会影响到企业的稳定发展。近几年居高不下的企业员工流动率越来越得到企业主和理论界学者的重视。企业员工的高流动率反映出企业人力资源管理在员工管理和沟通等方面存在的问题。 本课题基于对义乌制袜企业的调研的基础上,对义乌制袜企业员工高流动率问题的成因进行了归纳,对产生的后果进行了分析,从而提出通过招聘源头准确定位,做好员工关怀,建立完整的薪酬福利制度与绩效评估体系,加大违约赔偿力度,构建良好的工作生活环境等途径有效提高员工的归属感,从而有效控制员工高流动率的问题,以更好地促进企业健康、快速、稳定的发展。选题具有较强的针对性和现实意义。 关键词: Abstract Employee turnover is a common phenomenon in business management, the appropriate employee turnover rate is good for the development of enterprises and helpful to keep lively. However, it is not a good thing for the enterprises to have a high employee turnover rate. Because it may affect the stable development of your enterprises. In recent years, the high employees turnover rate has been got more and more concern. The high employee turnover rate can tell those managers that there are problems between human resources management and communications. This topic is based on the research of Yiwu Socks Manufacture Companies, to sum up the reasons of high employee turnover rate, and analyze the consequences. Thus, we can get the solutions: hire the most suitable people to do the job, establishing employee assistance program, establishing Remuneration System and performance evaluation system, offer the high-efficient, offer the comfortable working living environment. These can raise employees sense of belonging, and then can control the employee turnover rate in an appropriate range. In order to promote enterprises development with a healthy, rapid and stable way. This topic is well targeted and immediate significance. Keywords: Employee Turnover Rate; Socks Manufacture Companies; Causes; Strategy 目 录 1 导论 1 1. 选题背景 1.2 选题 2 1.3 员工流动的概述 1.3.1 员工流动和员工高流动率 2 1.3.2 员工高流动率对企业的不良影响 4 2 义乌制袜企业员工流动率 5 2.1 义乌制袜 5 2.2 义乌制袜企业员工流动 5 2.2.1 员工流动频繁 5 2.2.2 “用工荒”越演越烈 6 2.3员工高流动率义乌制袜企业 6 2.3.1 增加企业的经营成本 6 2.3.2企业技术与秘密的流失 7 2.3.3 影响企业的凝聚力 7 2.3.4 影响工作的连续性 7 2.3.5 使竞争对手的竞争力提高 8 3 义乌制袜企业员工高流动率的成因分析 3.1 人员招聘的宽进宽出 3.2 企


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