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物流科技 年第 期 Logistics Sci-Tech No.8, 2009 2009 8 文章编号: 1002-3100 (2009) 08-0125-03 基于基于SCORSCOR 的制造企业供应链建模研究的制造企业供应链建模研究 ResearcResearchh onon SupplySupply ChainChain ModelingModeling ofof ManufacManufacturingturing EnterprisEnterprisee BasedBased onon SCORSCOR ModelModel 仝新顺仝新顺,, 吴吴 宜宜 ((郑州轻工业学郑州轻工业学院院 经济与管理学院经济与管理学院,, 河南河南 郑州郑州 450002450002 )) TONGTONG Xin-shun,Xin-shun, WUWU YiYi (Zhengzho(Zhengzhouu UniversitUniversityy ofof LightLight IndustryIndustry,, EconomicEconomicss andand ManagemenManagementt CollegeCollege,, ZhengzhoZhengzhouu 450002,450002, China)China) 摘 要: 制造全球化使得制造企业之间的竞争转向为供 evaluate the enterprise supply chain operations effectively, in 应链之间的竞争, 取得供应链成功的关键在于如何有效地评 order to find suitable optimal approach to manage the enter- 价企业供应链的运作情况, 持续地改进企业内、 外部流程, prise supply chain, enterprises should continue to improve in- 从而找到适合本企业供应链管理的最优方法。 SCOR 模型正 ternal and external process. SCOR model is a tool designed to 是这样一种工具, 旨在帮助企业找到适合的供应链管理方法。 help enterprises finding suitable methods to manage the sup- 文章在SCOR9.0 的基础上, 通过研究制造企业供应链网络中 ply chain. In this paper, at the basis of SCOR9.0, we studied 实体的位置以及各实体间物流、 信息流的关系, 结合制造企 the modeling method about the supply chain of manufacturing 业供应链的特点, 对制造企业供应链建模方法进行了研究。 enterprise combined with the characteristics of the manufactur- 关键词: SCOR ; 供应链; 制造企业; 建模 ing enterprises supply chain, whose location of entities and 中图分类号: F273.7 文献标识码: A relationship about the materials flow and informat


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