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2008 6 JISUANJI YU X IAN DA IHUA 154 : 1006-2475( 2008) 06-0098-04 W eb , ( 中国计量学院计划财务处, 浙江 杭州3 100 18) : 介绍 M SQL Server 2005 的 Reporting Serv ice 的组成和功能, 并分析使用 Reporting Serv ice 开发基于W eb 财务 表的优势详细叙述了基于W eb的高校财务 表系统的功能权限控制模型参数化 表的开发过程以及性能优化方 面的问题使用 Reporting Serv ice 开发财务 表, 实现财务 表信息的共享和分析, 并同财务门户等系统的无缝结合 : W eb; Reporting Serv ice ; 数据仓库; 高校财务; 表 : T P392 : A Design and Realization of Reporting System Based onW eb in University Finance PE I H a-i q iao, CHEN Guo-qi ( Finance D iv i ion, China Jiliang Univer ity, H angzhou 310018, China ) Abstract: T hi paper pre ent the compo ition and the function about Reporting Serv ice inM SQL Server 2005, and analy e u- periority of develop financ ial report ba ed on W eb u ing reporting erv ice . T hi paper detailed narrate function of un iver ity fi- nancial report y tem, m odel of con trolling authority, pro cedure of de ign ing param eter report and problem of y tem optmi ize per- formance. It realize har ing and analy i of financ ial tatem ent, and better b ind ing financial SharePo in t. Key w ords: W eb; Reporting Serv ice ; dataw arehou e; un iver ity finance affair ; report S tudio. NET 2005 0 M s SQL Server 2005Reporting Services , , M icro oft SQL Server 2005 C / S ( OLTP) [ 3] , : Analy i [ 1] Serv ice Integration Serv ice Reporting Service , , Reporting Serv ice , W eb , , ,


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