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1 101 Textbook P88 this burning ambition splurge I went too far, didn't I? mug shot Maybe I heard you wrong. My leg is killing me. Yippee! Smooth! [美国俚语] 绝佳的,极好的 stay loose I'm at a loss. 我懵了。 No biggie. Seven times as long as flying, and costs almost twice as much. Assuming I can keep up this pace, 3 hours 11 minutes. I don't follow. 我没听懂。 He's boring on an international scale. Holy crap! You are overlooking something. My money is on 我赌…… Why don't I get a shot? -Take a shot. You take all the fun out of it for me. 2 You are caught between a rock and a hard place. He's calling to ask you a favor. Enough chitchat! -You are making that up. -You got me. I kind of crossed the line. Just to be clear here, ...but that kind of raises more questions than it answers. You're tricking me! Thanks for the warning! I'm dressed like a slob today. Typical! 正常! What's the occasion? 今天是怎么回事? - No occasion. 没什么。 Apples and oranges. 两码事。 That's what I figured. 我想也是。 You are way out of line. 你太过了。 You drive a hard bargain. When did you pick up on that? Who is up for ...? I'm afraid you couldn't be more wrong. You just need to get your mind of it. I'll catch up with you. Behold! 瞧! 3 Start over! 重来! Godspeed! There is nothing to be embarrassed about. The heat went out. In the world of emotions, I was colon, capital D. I cannot catch a break. So much for our friendship with Sheldon. I'll take care of it. 我会处理的。 Hold it! 等等! I want to blend in! 入乡随俗。 But it's highly recommended. Indian food doesn't agree with me. Ironic, isn't it? Don't push me! You really can't hold your


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