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Multiphase flow simulation withwith MFIXMFIX Jeff Dietiker Workshopp on Leadershipp-class Machines, Petascale Applications, and Performance Strategies July 27-30, 2009, Granlibakken Resort and Conference Center, Tahoe City, CA, USA Acknowledgements •Aytekin Gel, ALPEMI Consulting, LLC •ChrisChris GuentherGuenther, NationalNational EnergyTechnologyLaboratoryEnergyTechnologyLaboratory •Madhava Syamlal, National EnergyTechnologyLaboratory •Thomas O’Brien, National EnergyTechnologyLaboratory •Ramanan Sankaran Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) •Sreekanth Pannala Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) “Accelerating Clean Coal Gasifier Designs with Hybrid MPI/OpenMP High Performance Computing”, 21st International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics – Moffett Field, CA – May 2009 Introduction MFIXMFIX: MMultiltiphhase FlFlow withith IIntterphhase eXXchhanges • Multiphase computational fluid dynamics software that couples multi-phase hydrodynamics, heat transfer and chemical reactions • Eulerian-Eulerian and Eulerian-Lagrangian approach available • 3D3D FiniteFinite volumevolume withwith CartesianCartesian oror cylindricalcylindrical structuredstructured gridgrid withwith recent addition of cut-cell • Second order accurate in space and temporal discretization • SMP (OpenMP), DMP (MPI) and Hybrid Parallel mode of execution options that runs on many HPC platforms including LiLinux cllustters • Open-source code and collaborative environment () Introduction ObjObjectitives • Developing advanced coal technologies (as part of Clean Coal Initiative


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